
Is that a round dish on the Falcon? Sorry for the bad scream cap from my iPad, but that looks like a round dish.

If major Death Star remnants are on Endor I want to see one thing...Parts of the reactor core landed there marinated in Palpatine hate giving us pissed off mutant force wielding Ewoks.

There is a remarkable amount of data out there around airliner performance. Everything from on time to complaints to list bags. Yet, so many people ignore that info. If you value your time and want a nice experience then go with the top of the list. If you just want to go from A to B, eventually then roll the dice. 

Set up international data, text and calling before you go. They generally only charge for the days that it is activated and the cost isn’t that bad.

You are right. The point I was trying to get across was these are mostly main hero props and costumes. You would think they would at least hold onto those for posterity. 

Wow, Disney is pushing hard to make back some of that $71B it paid for Fox if it is willing to let some of this iconic stuff go so quickly. They don’t need it, but it is historical. Especially some of the main prop pieces. 

It was pretty cool to see. I think it is still set up for them to use for S4. 

We live about 10 minutes from the mall that they used for filming. I happened to run by there last fall and caught the parking lot full of interesting cars. That K Car has seen better days. The pics from inside were from a different visit.

I think this is about the year I started watching IndyCar. They’ve had their ups and downs, but it has been interesting to watch all along. I do hope more people pay attention this year.

Points are the work of the devil. Taking little cars through drive-ins is good fun. We have a right hand drive classic Mini. One of my daughters favorite things is taking it through the drive through so she can manage the transaction. It always gets a laugh from the folks working the window. 

I thought project Chuck Lee was still classified! It unleashed a wave of awesome that was so intense that it couldn’t be controlled.

It’s technical.  I like the way it sounds though. ;)

As an engineer, my guess is that it’s saved 3 seconds on the production line. Even more likely is that they were able to twist the arm of the strut manufacturer to include it as part of an assembly as opposed to having to make the bracket seperstley themselves.

I need for Aquaman to hum the theme song from the Justice League cartoon some point.

Ah, man. He has Minardi stuff? I love Minardi stuff.

I saw at a sneak peak last week. I thought it was pretty good. The flying stuff was well done. I would have liked more time with the X-15, but the Gemini stuff was amazing. I don’t think saying Armstrong has a flare for danger is accurate. Danger was part of the job, but he was a maticulous pilot. He got the landing

My mom and dad each had one when I was little.  They would bundle me up and we would go run the power lines east of Seattle.  It was huge fun for a toddler. They stayed around until I was about 10. An Odyssey was really how I learned to drive and it made the transition to full sized cars much easier.  I still want one

Swam Paulson preform Henson gif from memory, with the new verse, at DragonCon in 2017. The dude is an icon and he loves this stuff.

The mighty Monarch approves of this lovely machine!

Wiki says he was in a D, but yeah.