
Disney Dish Podcast is interesting if you want to understand the history of the company and its attractions. Most of it I still not Mouse approved content either.

Midweek Motorsports from Radio Le Mans

I was lucky enough to meet a number of the folks who run NASA’s social media accounts at a NASA Social in August. They are some of the most knowledgeable, creative, friendly and enthusiastic people I have come across in a long time. Really top notch folks. This effort just adds to the appreciation that I have for

Nissan would insist on driving the Audis backwards though.

Stef’s response, “But the team is already in a box?”

Condolences to Annie Glenn. Her and John were married in 1947. That is love and dedication.

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Don’t forget about shows about toys. He needs to keep making those.

I hope not.

Yeah, I saw that. I have been fascinated by Titanic since I was a kid, so I followed the twitter stream. I would agree that fact you were watching a slowly unfolding catastrophe made it creepy.

This is an interesting method of bringing a monumental historical event to life in a way that is understandable to people in today’s world. It brings home the elapse of time during the event and makes it a bit more human.

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These guys are going to have to add to their compilation.

Would they put in temp grandstands or just not bother with fans?

Mercedes AMG F1 responds to Rosberg’s retirement. Awesome.

I am really happy for him. He did what he wanted to do, at the very top level, he has a young family and now he is going to be able to focus there. I imagine we will see him in a car again, on his own terms, and I would bet Mercedes will take good care of him.

My wife got a tour a couple of years ago and said it was amazing. I was stuck in a conference room. We were down there for a conference again last fall and had dinner at the facility inside Living Seas at Epcot and got to see behind scenes and even that was cool!

I understand, but I doubt Cady would be thrilled with the idea of having to remove their bodywork. If I remember correctly they would have to go with the ACO approved engine as well.

It’s good to see Gordon getting out and getting to do some fun stuff. The guy has earned it. What will be interesting to see with the cool P2 / DPi cars coming to IMSA is how the ACO will react. Their rules pretty much preclude these cars from competing at Le Mans in favor of their chosen chassis makers, but having

My wife and 6 year old daughter got into a preview showing last week and loved it. Basically as described above they really enjoyed the story and songs. My wife also appreciated seeing cultures other than European shown in Disney films. We have Pacific Islanders in our family. I am really interested to see what they

The Galactica scene at least took into account the complications of something like that dropping into an atmosphere. It didn’t hang around either.

I do. Basically, there is minimal logic and if it looks cool then it is all good. It works out better than it should.