
I was talking more about large capital ships than smaller vessels. I didn’t approve of this either...

What’s the deal with star ships being in atmosphere in recent Star Wars properties? It seems like that would be the last place you would want to take something like a Star Destroyer or a Tie Fighter. Maybe an X-Wing would be fine and certain ships. But really larger, or really fragile, ships seem like a bad idea.

Understood. I guess the point I was trying to make is I want to see people who are able to succeed based on their own merits and not because some outside entity is influencing things. I fully reallize that saying “ May the force be with you” is akin to saying good luck. I’m good with that. I’m just hoping that we get

I guess I am of the camp that wants more Hans and Landos and less Lukes and Yodas. Not every hero in the universe needs to be a Jedi and not every villain a Sith. My $0.02.


Its interesting that there is so much discussion of the force in a time when there are no Jedi. I wonder if we will find out the force ran in her family. I kind of hope not.

The music is played on reindeer horns. No modern fiddles for these folks.

This kind of invasion...

I’m game for Beaver Kong.

Spent my weekend representing my company at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineeers conference in Seattle. I did 13 interviews, shook a couple of hundred hands and talked to a lot of people. We made a few job offers as well. Pretty cool.

With Kylos obsession do we eventually get a Lloyd Bentsen moment out of Luke?

Different Burt movie. Imagine Han Solo in Star Wars’ version of Deliverance.

Aircraft are certified toner everyone off in 90 seconds. ANYTHING that inhibits that is bad mojo. I spend more time aroundnaircraftbthan most and have thought about what I would do if I had to evac in a fire. It includes helping anyone who is blocking the isle to not be a block any more. I will sort it out with the

I wonder if FOM uses the same pilotall over the world? The pilot at monza last year was nuts. He would follow the banking and you would loose him below the trees

I wonder if these will have the viral marketing / scavenger hunt that the last series did? My buddy and I ended up following the clues to Las Vegas. Had good fun with the BMW folks.

There is something to be said for making a movie with a group of characters that you just want to spend time with. Guardians has pretty much nails it.

Listen and laugh.

I read some of the early ones, but need to catch up. Did the line bounce between Vader comics and the other titles? If so, is there a list showing where to find them?

I’m pretty much in the middle of Harrsfield in Atlanta. Been there for 18 years and I still watch the jets take off.