
Most probable reason is larger jets have greater wake turbulence. It makes sense to launch a bank of smaller jets first and then wait a reasonable amount of time for a gap and then send the jumbo.

Same logic people used for Katina.

Bill will love gardening and is looking forward to a good crop.

That isn’t what I listen to during the races. I use the Tune In Radio app. I have a wifi speaker and I mute the TV.

I was standing just down from the Turner pits when this happened, right between Risi and Magnus, and Klingmann came right past us. Dude was not a happy camper at all. I would guess after the red mist wore off he was more disappointed in himself, but we will see. Also, it was interesting to see the joy of Risi

Saw its racing cousin this weekend.

I would guess tying laces is a bitch in armor.

Hey, I played Oregon Trail as a kid. I know the risks.

Colonization and exploration are very different things. If you look at the history of colonization people died. Lots of people died. That’s not even counting indigenous peoples. That is a whole different conversation. It is a hard, ugly process. This is something NASA frequently glosses over

That was Churchill’s happy face.

Musk sends up a Dragon to save it and then calls dibs since China didn’t want it anyway. Sets it up as his super villain space lair.

Think of the culture of the companies as well. Both started from nothing by hard driving individuals wanting to do something different from the rest.

I had a 97 GS-T in metallic green. I loved that car and only gave it up when the engine started to fall apart. Good power, good mileage, reasonable looks.

Looks like controlled flight into terrain, but who knows?

I have had a carbon fiber sliver. Hurts like no other sliver and takes forever to come out. No thanks.

Fight for the sanctity of the Dancing with the Stars vote. Fight!

...and hooligans and criminals. Remember they ended up going to Australia when the US revolution happened. Plenty were sent here beforehand.

Thinking more of a street race around down town Atlanta, because why would F-1 go to a proper circuit?

Internet SW nerd high five.

I was at the panel. Dec 9 and 10 episodes is what they said. I think it was one of the audience members up front who yelled out Mythbusters in Wonderland and Kari and Tory latched on to that. They seemed very excited. The clip they showed involved mind control and wine and was pretty funny. Tory ended up spilling wine