
That is going to be one large flying machine. They aren't done putting platforms in either.

Why not?

I’m guessing they go moderate makeup most of the time and a super scary mode for key scenes.

Not quite seeing the resemblance. Needs more of a desiccated look.

He is, but that doesn't mean the question doesn't warrant a response.

You don’t have to do any of that. Takai wanted them to respect the original charactor. That as to be respected. They wanted to pay tribute to him and that is to be respected.

We had coal mines in Maple Valley, Black Diamond and Ravensdale. Just a bit east of Seattle.

MD-88. Or a Mad Dog to those in the know.

Just flew from Atlanta to Seattle and waiting for the ferry to Whidbey Island.

A struggle getting excited about Bentleys, but it was cool of them to be friendly?

They can be opened with bolts in the case without much effort

The hill won though.

There was a NASA Social event tied to the test. A number of people who attended have sent out tweets. I think it is a great idea to allow the tax payers to see stuff like this.

I think this is a good approach. Many of the deaths and injuries suffered by people out in the world are because of seemingly minor things. Alive and surfing Instagram looking at kittens one second and a cross between hamburger and the insides of a pumpkin the next. All because they weren’t paying attention to where

The 787, A350 and C-Series have undergone extensive testing for situations like this. They should be fine.

Now playing

Video of an actual test...If you have to ask you are welcome to remove yourself from my lawn.

So, this is the second Trek movie in a row where they have someone sliding down the saucer? Talk about friction burns. I do dig the idea of them hot wiring a previous generation Federation ship and using that to get the hell out.

Mentioned the car being at Goodwood in a mother post. Damn impressive to see.

I saw hm take it up the hill at Goodwood a few years ago. Not flat, not straight and he did it in the dry and the rain. Dude knows what he is doing.