Hmmm, flaps were down. Seems unneccisary for a high speed taxi.
Hmmm, flaps were down. Seems unneccisary for a high speed taxi.
Mostly because they work for huge multinational companies, make tens of millions of dollars and they want to continue to make tens of millions of dollars. That adds to the pressure. Lack of results can lead to lack of millions.
Untitled is a good podcast. Some of the early ones where they focus on his techniques for fabricating things are really interesting.
GSA Auctions had three for sale a month ago. $500K starting bid. Looked to be in good shape.
You have to take it out over the ocean or get permission to operate in a military restricted airspace to go supersonic. You would be certified as experimental and that limits what you can do with it. On a good day it carries about 45 minutes of fuel and the handling gets harry after about 30 minutes. Its an…
We did Buxton’s Bigtime Bash the first year. It was huge fun. I would recommend it and it sounds like he has some cool folks showing up.
The Pef needs some alone time with Riciardo this weekend?
Bernie has a number of easily predictable and known behaviors:
From everything I’ve seen its the Bumble Bee. Currently at the Pima Air Museum.
Pacific Blue, because I like blue and it looked better to me than the rest of the colors offered that year. I've also owned two red vehicles and a dark metallic green one. I also like green. So basically, I pick colors that I like.
FLEXiBL - the i will make it cool like iPhone. Trust me.
I’m lucky enough that I get to employ engineering co-ops at work. When they go back to school I always tell them to take writing and speech classes. Knowing how to communicate is 80% of an engineer’s job. I suppose it is the same for programming. Being able to understand what the customer wants and being able to get…
What were the DMC 1-DMC 11?
Not this weekend, but I was at Petit Le Mans last weekend. I was lucky enough to have a pit pass. I think I am still drying out.
Thanks for the clarification. I tried to say that, but it came out poorly. According to the all powerful Wiki, the logo came in 1932 prior to the call sign. Either way, it doesn’t matter too much. Just trying to shed some light on where the term comes from.
This a Speedbird. Clarkson has had a long time love affair with Concorde. He had a chapter for it in in his book “I Know You Got Soul”. It is also the name of the stylized logo on British Airways jets ( that swish on the front and their call sign.
Always makes me smile when I see a post like that. Here is my 2003 Evo VIII. I’m the original owner. Adult owned and maintained. Been auto-crossed once, but had made a number of trips to the GA mountains. It has 154k miles on it and it still has the original clutch. Stock aside from an aftermarket radiator as the OEM…
No argument there. I was standing in pit lane when the flag came out. The pit officials were not ready for it and hadn't set up park ferme. The leaders just drove down to the pits.