
I will be in a 747 heading to Japan over the pole on the 23rd. With a window seat on the side facing south to boot. I might have to see what I can see.

I’m sure there whill be many cheap, missing trim, sagging spring Caddies in your future.

This will be this in 20 years...

Would hoon.

“Damn thing is an auto. Now if it was a brown Panther wagon I would be all over it.” - Typical Jalop

What? Looks just like the movie...assuming you had glocoma when you saw it.

Not like toddlers don’t already have anger control issues.

The assault force landing looks cool, but it would be neat if there were some non-human shapes in there.

With all the marketing going on for the new movies I can imagine Disney is looking at this picture and is getting some ideas.

The bubble came on then P-51D and later. The one in the video is a C. Mustangs are not that big when you get up next to them.

The PBY is a great looking aircraft when you consider its function.

my u see standing is that there is not a payout for each F-1 race like there is in NASCAR. It comes as s lump sum via FOM. That said, who knows.

no arguing with that, but Boemf has put extensive effort into developing titanium repairs. Airbus' efforts in that area are a bit fuzzy.

Actually, that is what I am afraid of. Airbus will just say to replace the skin panel. That is not nearly as easy as it sounds. They are attached with titanium hiloks and bonded to the structure. Also, they are going to be damn expensive.

That is how the zombie apocalypse starts.

I would love to hear more about the repairiblity of these new low cure temp composites. That is one aspect that has the commercial world worried. Significant damage to a 787 or A350 takes a lot to repair. If there are materials out there that could be used for repairs that have better characteristics that would be

So this study recognizes a known fact on things that impact those who sit in a car and aren’t looking outside? So what?

Now playing

There is a good bit of video on Youtube. Several documentaries. I watched the eruption from my front yard about 25 miles east of Seattle. Our house was on the top of a hill and we had a good view. I was 6.

I’d go in a heart beat. Got an old Gemini capsule and a Titan rocket? Let’s go.

Not to be a party pooper, but there is a fair chance that the travel coordinator for the team had a backup passport for him just in case something like this happened. Probably had to wait for them to bring it from the track or hotel up and maybe do a little dance for the visa. It is not normal to have more than one,