
True, just seemed like a very GI Joe like application. Folks like Martin Baker have done some cool stuff.

Different orbital inclinations and fuel would be my guess.

If a single item, like CO2 canisters were needed to prolong the mission, would it not be possible to launch an unmanned mission and have it rendezvous with the shuttle. You then execute an EVA and grab it. Granted, more difficult and risky than two sentences would imply.

Big question would be cost per unit. I wonder how excited dealerships would be with the elimination of timing belt changes. I would imagine that they are a moneymaker.

No cams, no rockers, no timing belt/chain, less noise, lighter motor, less stuff to lube. I like it. I like it a lot. I wonder what kind of life this thing would have. Would you have to replace the actuators every 60k?

Pilots ejecting from their planes at the last second is very GI Joe. Godzilla"s face looks like a bear.

I'm not sure. Bernie's guys run a pretty tight ship.

Sorry. The BMW/Ausi image above was a photoshop. There were other legit images though.

I just thought it was funny that they raised the one banner and then the other. They should have waited until the suit had walked off.

This is pretty good as well.

Now playing

Regardless of your political leanings, the execution of this one is pretty funny

We're ready. Bring it.

Try it on cold pizza. My 7 year old has discovered Sriracha. He loves it.

Probably means square miles. With enough altitude and good side scanning imaging you can see a lot quickly.

975 days between the Challenger disaster and return to flight of the shuttle with STS-26.

I think it would get old real quick out there on the bow.

Watching from high altitude blimps would be interesting.

It would happen so high you wouldn't see much anyway.

I may have been introduced to this concept at a Pull A Part. It is fairly awesome.