They kind of did exactly that:…
They kind of did exactly that:…
You guys really need to get over this multiplayer bullshit. I’m supremely grateful that there aren’t other jack asses in my universe fucking with my gaming experience. As someone else stated, there is nothing in this game that would be that fun to play with another person on your screen anyways.
If I recall, Sean had…
Sounds a bit more like a triumphant moment, than something sad and melancholy.
There is a harp in pretty much every song Florence Welch records. Also, I don’t really know how to feel about one of the 20th Centuries most well known songs being the theme music to a Final Fantasy game. That really takes me out of the whole “fantasy” aspect of the experience.
I love that Kojima loves his obscure New Wave and Post-Punk music. Using Elegia from New Order in that MGS trailer was really clever. Especially considering the songs very sad origins.
Before that he was in another synthpop band called, Exotic Birds.
So you are insinuating that people who keep up with new music, have no life? That’s a pretty messed up thing to say.
Good on you dude. I really enjoyed your articles since you started. Especially all of the From Soft love. Will def miss seeing your posts.
Seems like the fact that you can pause the game, debunks any ideas of a multiplayer system.
The Manga is about a hundred thousand times better, and more easy to follow then the condensed and heavily edited anime. And is easily found on the internet for free.
That dude is definitely a fan of Katsuhiro Otomo!
No actually, you are just being a dick. I said that in a totally non-insulting way, and you turned it into an insult. Thanks for keeping the internet friendly.
Not to be That Guy, but fyi... it’s “For all intents and purposes”. Seriously just trying to spread the knowledge, not being a dick.
To be fair, I am simply going off of what Sean said in a previous interview. When the question was raised about testing the game, his answer was that they had created thousands of A.I. satellite probe thingies and sent those out to scan the galaxy for issues.
Whether or not that was the only “testing” the game got, I…
Yeah, CD’s were once a luxury item, and barely any artists released music on them for years. I think I got my first Discman in 1990 or so. It was a Sony Walkman from the early 80's - High School though. Those things loved to eat cassettes, I’ll have you know lol.
I remember seeing car based portable phones around ‘87.…
No worries dude. Apology accepted.
The aesthetic of the game alone has gotten me to preorder it, and I never preorder anything. I’m sure it will entertain me enough to justify spending 50 to 60 bucks. I am just super curious about what kind of zany bugs the thing is going to ship with.
No, I retired from QA a year ago. And I wasn’t insinuating that the game could be bugless. There is no such thing as a bugless release. But not even running a basic QA pass with Sony’s army of testers? That seems like a really silly oversight.
I really expected to see Frank and the Gang from Always Sunny in that report.
The lack of QA on this game does really disturb me. As a nearly 20 year veteran of testing, I can’t stress how important it is to run a full, thorough pass on any title. Regardless if you have AI satellites flying around “scanning the game for bugs”.
There are way too many things that automated testing can not, nor…