
Steams Refund policy is, you can play upto 2hr before you can be refunded. so in your case Jedi Survivor you would still think that its a decent game anyways.

Seems extremely bizarre to say an hour an a half is “long before most games get good.” Is this really so? Generally if a game is not good for an hour and a half it’s not a good game.

if I don’t enjoy a game after 1h30m, I won’t play it further anyway (yes, I’m not a “it get’s good after 10 hours” player).

On the other hand, I look forward to the speedruns of the demos.

Like others have mentioned, this is fine for giving it a technical test, but it definitely won’t have quite as good of an impact as traditional demos. Even letting you just use a later save point or something like that won’t quite be the same either. I really do miss demos that were crafted specifically to be a demo,

I wonder if maybe the developer could provide a demo “Starting Point” save file that can be used if they would like to give the player a different point within the game to play the demo from?