
The website is jacked up. Click to go to another page, and it puts your search back at $.01 and checks all the boxes again. Does it in IE and FF.

Bunch of ugly-ass women.

I'm using Win7 Premium and it remembers all my window positions, even on the second monitor.

The XTS is ridiculously beautiful. I'm only 33, and I would have no shame driving one. I only hope it won't lose much of it's looks once it hits production.

I have my own domain name(s), but I choose to use Gmail because of all the control it gives me. In fact, it was when I finally got my Gmail invite back in '06(?) that I quit using my own domain email and went to Gmail fulltime.

Desktop. I build my own, they're cheap, and faster than much more expensive laptops. And you just can't beat dual monitors or a 24" widescreen.

1. Win a mountain bike race

Screw Monster cable and everything they stand for. I recently bought some 26-cent HDMI cables on Amazon that work perfectly, and I was happier about sticking it to Monster than I was about getting a great price.

1st, the body shop ruined it, next, the mega-drop kit and too-wide wheels and tires ruined it. Poor car should put a gun to its head and just end it.

I'm not really sure, since UPS is delivering my pre-ordered (as of late June) copies tomorrow, 6 days after it hit store shelves. #windows7

I wish I'd get my lists already. It sucks that so many of us have to wait forever for this stuff. #lists

It wasn't too big a deal for me since I was at work, and didn't have easy access to personal email to begin with. However, when I got home, I still couldn't connect, so I just said screw it and went on a bike ride. When I got home, all was good.

I'm not sure what's worse... riding on the scoot-scoot, or having to wear a little bicycle helmet while doing it.

@f3rg: It's definitely a .htaccess issue. If I delete the first # sign, I get the 500 error. If I leave it, whether I put in a subfolder name or not, it almost works (I get the admin page to come up). However, when I shorten a URL, the little icon just spins and nothing ever happens. If I refresh, the link

@helmsb: Trying and failing. Stuck on an Error 500 page.

I've triple checked everything and still get an Error 500 when I try to go to the admin/install.php page. :( Yep, installed WP lots of times, so not a newbie to this sort of stuff.

WANT WANT WANT!!! So happy to see some wagons hitting the streets again.

I like it. I didn't say I love it, but it's acceptable, and I'd drive one without tinting the windows to hide my own face.

Tried to get a vanity #, but there's pretty much nothing available that I'd actually want.
