
So believe it or not, this was my great grandfather. When this story happened, he was a driver for Texaco, and drove all over the Northeast. Before he got this job, he drove cattle from Vermont down to Massachusetts slaughterhouses. Very cool to see this bit of family history on Jalopnik!

Recently traded in our 328d Wagon (M sport too oh god I miss it) for a Pacifica Hybrid. While it’s sad, the repair bills were really getting ridiculous on the BMW and the van swallows baby, dog, bikes, groceries, and friends with sunroofs over all 3 rows. Plus we are only filling the tank every 1500 miles with the

This will be a forever car. Friend’s family bought it new in 1993. After 215,000 miles, I have agreed to take care of her in retirement. It’s pretty remarkable-the 22re engine pulls strong and it’s super clean. Planning on doing just enough work to keep her in as close to original shape as possible.