
Next week he’ll announce David Duke for Secretary of State, and the skeleton of Lee Harvey Oswald for Secretary of the Treasury.

Trump’s new hairpiece appears to be much more “full-coverage.”

giuliani? more like, ghouliani - right?

I read in Politico that he’s also ditched Lewandowski. Sad!

Adds the Washington Times, Giuliani, previously a Trump favorite, “had fallen out of favor with the president-elect in recent weeks.”

Hey! Why don’t you go investigate pizzagate some more? You might find that hidden email about Benghazi!

Actually he did. Legally. And I have no problem with it, really. I just wonder how riled people like my former in-laws would become if our current Prez did any one of the things that Trump makes a strange, dark art out of.

Hey, everyone writing “What does this have to do with cars???” or “I’d dodge taxes too, if I could”: YOU’RE MISSING THE FUCKING POINT.

And if “Obummer” dodged 10 bucks in cigarette taxes by buying his smokes in New Hampshire on a campaign stop, the trailer park denizens would be hissing bloody murder through their rotten, Monster-stained teeth.

Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage

Trump lied, sure, but the morons who believed him are equally to blame for their own stupidity.

They will never realize it. Everything will be the fault of Obummer and Killary. Facts mean nothing.

Here’s the transcript from the CNBC interview with the CEO.

Well, our new Labor secretary has raved about how much he wants to replace workers with automated services in his fast food joints, so.....

Yes, ok, but let me ask you this: Will the remaining workers at least be allowed to have sex with the robots?

One of my friends had a dog and a parrot. The parrot used to tell the dog what to do and the dog would do it. If you’re never seen it before, it’s about the funniest thing ever!

Your gimmick is tired.

It is always quite humorous to read comments like yours, just goes to show how quickly we as a people forget the lessons of history. We are like hamsters on wheel, destined to repeat the same old mistakes over and over.

My college roommate grew up in Moscow during the 80's and he said the best thing that could ever happen was that the government awarded you a nice, slightly roomier apartment if you were a model worker. Otherwise, life sucked and everyone knew the communist party was full of shit.

I have a number of friends that grew up in the USSR and made it to the US in the early 90's. Not a single one would agree with you that the USSR was "actually pretty nice."