RT Ramone

Seems as good a place as any to show my half-beagle buddy, Tuco. He’s a good dog.

Thank you Marchman, for introducing the rest of the country to the irrepressible futility that is White Sox baseball. We’re taking my 6 month old nephew to his first game on Saturday and I can’t help but feel a tinge of responsibility for indoctrinating him into this angsty, masochistic cult.

Getting drunk in the cold rain and not watching baseball beats watching Jacoby Jones torpedo Jose Quintana’s trade value

That’s nonsense. It just isn’t good hockey to watch. Maybe if the best women’s team in the world weren’t regularly getting beaten by high school teams filled will boys that aren’t even close to the best of their age group in their area, people will tune in. But the skill just isn’t there.

The fact of the matter is that

The “we were willing to overlook that you were a scumbag, until you went and reminded people you were a scumbag” rule.

None of these people have shame. That’s why we have such terrible choices in elections. Decent people, who want to make a difference, feel shame & don’t want to live their entire mistake-filled lives over again in public.

I just watched the documentary and not only did SWCU’s president know about it, he argues that it reflects positively on Bliss because he faced major adversity and “stood up to it” and “thats the kind of person SWCU wants on their campus.” The documentary does a good job following up on that quote by showing that

I watched Disgraced just now after seeing this post. What a piece of shit Dave Bliss is. I mean, fuck him so hard. And rat face and boeheim for taking his side. Or siding against the assistant who recorded Bliss. Brotherhood of scumbags.

Fuck that. If I can’t vote Austin Rivers for MVP then I’m abstaining this year. What a farce.

It’s akin to saying Rick Pitino and Bobby Petrino are so good at what they do that we should just pull a Paterno and look the other way at all the bad things they’ve done over the years.

Holy shit, what was the percentage in clinging to that myth?

Is his ability to tell people how to play a game really significant enough to create mixed emotions here?

And by that you mean, status of ‘old white man’?

Of course he did.

He was selling drugs. He sold to all the white guys on campus ... He was the worst.”

And before that he coached at private high schools where he promptly broke recruiting rules.

I wonder what it’s going to take for Ken Starr to develop a sense of shame.

Yes, at Southwest CHRISTIAN University. After much praying Jesus approved the hire. Bliss seems like a good role model.

Sox fan here, and there is no defense to that. But it does bring back a pleasant memory.

I was at an August game in 1991 between the Cubs and Giants in Candlestick. It was a memorable game for me for two reasons. 1.) Chico Walker hit an inside-the-park grand slam. 2.) It was the first time I ever heard my mom drop

I am an adult child! A poorly behaved adult child! I will not give this ball to the actual child next to me! I will display this ball in my office no one uses for the next ten years until I lose it in a move! !!!!!!!!!!!