My favorite illiterate basketball player is now my second favorite illiterate basketball coach.
My favorite illiterate basketball player is now my second favorite illiterate basketball coach.
Once again master of bluster Mike Francesa is caught dead wrong about another sports story.
More immigrants taking jobs in Washington. Sad!
Ineffectual governing, a child-emperor, crises of legitimacy, corrupt courtiers, appeasement of rivals... you said this was history, right?
I think he was going for “it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation” in a particularly inarticulate way.
They all look alike, no worries.
“Jon Lester had to grind his way through an early two-on, no-out situation.”
why do they have to waste time on home runs by running around the bases? just save the 20 seconds it would take. that’s gotta be the next time saving rule, right? i hate everything about the idea of time saving in baseball.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a white one, plus don’t they just make them green-screens most of the time now anyway?
And if you leave your house now, you just might be able to make it to the new stadium by October.
It’s juvenile. Why don’t they just add a 5 run rule after seven innings and go full little league?
“I’m not gonna make excuses.”
just here to say how much I loathe the new intentional walk rule
This is Derek here, so conference finals of 2020 when his body tells him he is ready.
Nah, he’ll get signed by San Antonio where Pops will play him for less than 24 minutes a game in spots where he’ll average 15 ppg and win the 6th man of the year. Everybody will say “so that’s how you keep Rose healthy?” Somebody will then pay him the max contract for 6 seasons whereas he blows his knee out during the…
Weren’t the Millennials raised by Generation X, which was in turn raised by the Baby Boomers?
Everyone who generalizes is, without exception, an asshole.
Rose’s only hope for boatloads of cash is China.
Jesus Dan. That one hits me every time. The sadness. Oh , and I guess I feel bad for Rose as well.