Oh, come off it, Logan. Give it a rest already.
Oh, come off it, Logan. Give it a rest already.
That’s an inaccurate reading. OP’s not condemning all churches/religions, but rather pointing out that some of the most non-realistic, extra-radical, and non-freedomy policies are being promoted by at least some of America’s churches. That is a fact that cannot be denied.
Were you in the Scrub Club?
Engineers Everywhere?
What was “ Donut cast 3000: Episode 1: The Awakening.”?
K, bye
That is not what we were having a conversation about. Nice try. Bye.
Nah, dog. Human trafficking was one type of website it would block. The proposal was to block porn in general. Bye.
Official ProtectMarriage.com “Yes on 8" campaign sign.[58]
Christianity. You know this. Bye
It says it would block porn sites.
“Most important, you have no evidence at all that any church is behind the proposed legislation.”
You could discern, listening to his interviews and speeches, that this was more or less where Donald Trump stood.
Any article about Peggy Noonan that does not reference her sincere belief that, basically, Reagan would cause God to summon magical dolphins (link w/o subscription req.) to save Elian Gonzalez is invalid. Try again. Fake news! Sad!
Whether or not the sole beneficiaries of your redistribution are white people
Poor, sweet Peg. She’s like a dimestore, self-taught philosopher who learned everything she knew about Philosophy from old Readers Digest magazines, who once talked about things nobody cared about in a confusing sort of way that nobody could really follow, and who now prattles on at a volume little higher than a…