RT Ramone

He also played 3 years with Papelbon, without getting choked out once. That’s not nothing.

As a tribute to his former teammate, Ryan Howard promptly goes out and strikes out 3 times...

Chase can reassure himself of that when he attends Jimmy Rollins’ HoF ceremony.

Yea, Rollins was great. But he can never compare to the stream of Triple A players subbing in for injury prone Chase Utley.

The way he frolics around the field is priceless.

I have to disagree, at least on defense. Utley was always solid in the field but he didn’t make as many of those “wow” plays as Rollins did.

If you’ve ever seen Ken Burns’ “baseball,” one of the best parts is near the very beginning.
Robert Creamer, who is like 75 during the interview, talks about why he loves baseball and says two simple words. “It’s fun.” He doesn’t think there’s anything metaphysical about it.
His eyes go wide and this cynical old writer

That’s ludicrous. I’m a huge Phillies fan. No way is it Utley>Rollins.

“only shortstop ever, to clear 200 homers, 500 doubles, and 400 steals.”

You’re high right? Utley used to look like baby Huey playing the field.

Chase is my favorite player of all time. But it’s okay to love both and gush over J-Roll at the end of his career.

Jimmy Rollins, a 5' 8" 175 pound dynamo, succeeded in the era of the 6'3" 230 pound shortstop. He came to work everyday with a smile on his face, did his job, and did it well.

Rollins doesn’t get enough credit for being the leader of those great Phillies teams from ‘07-’11. Probably the greatest stretch in franchise history. His “we’re the team to beat” comment prior to the 2007 season pissed off the Mets and kick started the entire run. And he certainly backed it up. He hit .346 against

He has an argument. Not a first ballot guy, but will make the Hall if the folks who were covering baseball from 2001-2010 can keep a thought in their head before they pop off the stack of eligible voters.

Any “Idiot on the Field” video is worthless unless Kevin Harlan is calling it.

If he isn’t wearing a jacket, I don’t think he gets tackled.

Well played, sir. You think you’ve fooled us all, but some of us know a true Stasi would never let intel like this slip past them.

Apparently there is, and I’m okay with it.

It’s a park!

It’s all a ruse. He’ll be spying on his teammates in no time.