RT Ramone

Also, as numerous “family values a.k.a anti-LBGT” Republicans can tell you, you can, in fact, cheat on your wife with a man.

Yeah, all this really tells me is none of these guys work with women. There’s nothing noble about refusing to eat lunch with a coworker.

Pro tip from a woman: If you want to respect your wife,then dont cheat on her, or flirt with other women, or be a prop in an administration that is an international embarrassment. None of that precludes you from have a normal business relationship with other women, which often includes eating. You know, the thing

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

Nothing guarantees a Super Bowl victory like starting offseason practices seven days early.

I get the pro forma response and that they can’t police students 24-7 and if this was “One of your students attacked me after we left an off-campus bar” and school took legitimate actions to look into it I would probably agree. I would be more scared of an entity tracking everyone 24-7.

But this is much more “here is

The concept of irony, along with tact and general civility, eludes this shit stain of a human being.

I’m sure they are getting ready to roll out the disclaimers:

I do so hope he’s enjoying his current upswing in popularity, where everyone is still interested in his wacky (read: abusive and fucked-up) antics, because the fall is going to be steep, quick, and quite painful. Oh, he’ll be around as long as his kids are, but his act is going to go from ‘intensity that’s

I don’t know, man. Didn’t you know that racism had been eradicated, immigrants were welcomed by everyone, and women were never sexually assaulted until Trump was elected?

Ugh....I’m so embarrassed for that kid. He looks so ashamed just walking on set

Calling him bipolar...isn’t that slander? High school coach is not a public figure, per se, right?

I very much want to see the reaction from an NBA front office or coach when this fuck tries to tell them what to do.

I love the fact LaVar claims that a high school coach, whose name I forgot a mere 15 seconds after reading the article, “thought he was bigger than the program”. That comes from a guy who said the he “runs Chino Hills, runs UCLA and ‘bout to run the NBA”. I’m so tired of this asshole and this was only his first son

Oh, well someone might wanna tell the web developer at Baylor to insert that quote into the Student Safety page instead of:

More like

Strip away all the theatrics associated with the Ball family and set aside whatever critiques of a broken and corrupt system his act is making, and what you are left with is simply a man being a cruel bully.

Why is Baylor still a thing?

That’s why Jesus has to come back - to kick some fucking ass.

Hypocriticus Ch. 3:18 “And Jesus said unto the blind man, Verily, verily, I say unto you: That shit is not my problem.”