His name was Robert Probert.
His name was Robert Probert.
Exactly, it is impossible to tell.
That said, Irving has always struck me as a sleaze.
I think you’re a jerk.
I would have released the text message if I were her. Nothing to lose there if that’s how he responded. Absence of them makes one wonder what was actually said.
Because they never got over the Colonel leaving the corn cob out of the Big Box Meal???
Well, we now have a thread with straw-man, ad-hominem, slippery slope and pedantic mentions.
Okay, but not to be pedantic, but if he took it knowing that he could get caught and now that he is caught he is willing to pay the punishment for the crime, ie. his suspension, why does he have to apologize for it?
Putting ‘Captain’ in front of any insult instantly makes it about 25% funnier.
I don’t think it’s a pedantic point. You made a bit of a straw man argument. You’re arguing that if I don’t care about someone taking supplements to boost recovery, I am automatically in favor of mindless steroid monsters pumped full of anything and everything.
testicular fortitude
You equated an OTC supplement to recover from injury with wanting athletes to be “drug fueled steroid machines,” but I’m the one who missed the point.
I don’t necessarily *want* athletes to be drug-fueled steroid machines... but I don’t mind it, either.
+ god damn 1
Drugs can be a difficult habit to kick so we understand why he hasn’t sought your advice.
Higgins’ company is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and he is a graduate of University of Nebraska-Kearney. I think the facts pretty much speak for themselves as to why he was so clearly biased against Kentucky, and that no further explanation is needed.
Owning a successful business is the dream of a lot of people. Is owning a roofing business some kind of lowbrow thing in your world?
It has been a long time since I laughed as hard as I did when I pictured the UK fan putting that video together thinking it was going to be as impactful as the damn Zapruder film.
You’ve got an extraneous “ing business” in that sentence.
“What’s a roof?”