RT Ramone

Ugh, no. The reason why healthy, young people aren’t signing up is because they’re fucking idiots who think they’re immune from bad shit happening to them and Obama caved on making the penalty of not having insurance if you can afford it harsh enough to make a lot of people reconsider. The insurance companies are

The same way John McCain branded himself as a maverick?

They’re not even nice suits. He always looks like a kid wearing his dad’s suit to class picture day.

Similar to how the President is “such a great businessman”. Dude failed running a CASINO.

Ryan is what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like.

WOW, check out that Powerpoint presentation!!! Dude knows his stuff

Remember when he had that beard? What a douche...

... and he brings in nice charts and graphs, and other such implied-to-be-ladened-with-data things to look at while holding the floor, so as to make his audience feel as though they’re listening to A Smart with proof to back up feel good claims that align with their notions. And that they might have learned a thing

It’s a lot like Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich is not a smart man. But he very firmly believes that he is, and constantly tells people that he is, and the GOP is so desperate for some smart men in their ranks that they repeat it too, and eventually people just sort of accept the lie out of exhaustion.

See also Donald

But look how hard he is clearly working, he always has his sleeves rolled up!!

I saw someone yesterday point out that the only reason Paul Ryan is considered a “policy wonk” is because he would start to answer every question with “I don’t want to sound too wonk-y here but...”

I think you are giving too much credit to the idea that either side gives a rat’s ass about precedent when it gets in the way of their agenda.

Paul Ryan Is What Dumb People Think A Smart Person Sounds Like” ... True for many in Trump’s orbit: Gingrich (he reviews books on Amazon and talks about space!), Farage (accent!), Stone (fancy duds!)... that alone gets you in his circle as long as you make him think that you think he’s the most successful person in

To be fair, with some of the critters currently occupying the halls of the Capitol, he may well appear to be very bright. Dumb is bright to dumber people.

That’s because our fawning political press are incredibly kind to good looking politicians and ache to maintain the Both Sides are Equally Valid trope they’ve been running with for the last 40 seasons of America: The Sitcom. They need a poster boy for the sane, moderate Republican, but those are in extremely short

Republicans think you’re a “wonk” if you didn’t spend the last 8 years yelling about how Obama is a moslem.

I mean the same Freedom Caucus that shit on Trumpcare probably will continue to oppose pretty much everything Paul Ryan does.

I don’t believe it can pass with reconciliation, meaning 60 votes.

Says who? I trust most of the Dems in Congress to try to slow it down, but without some Republicans also in the opposition, there’s no real reason this won’t pass. A lot of the Rs’ ownership group will benefit from it. The dummkopf at 1600 Pennsylvania will sign it because someone tells him it’s a good deal.