RT Ramone

“Days after the blowup, the Washington Post reported that another summer league coach, who also believed Wootten had been ducking St. Anthony’s, sent out “a team of five year olds” to face DeMatha at Jelleff.”

Thanks for this. When my five year old is being a dick, I will now imagine her being dunked on by Adrian

As a native Washingtonian and alumni of T.C. Williams H.S. (Remember the Titans? You should.), I always thought JT was a jackass. I always rooted for Maryland or Virginia.  

From the Party of No to the Party of No Can Do.

Who knew that a corrupt, corpulent diddler and an edgy ninth grader binging on Ayn Rand and old Rush albums wouldn’t be effective at governing? 

Barton was not an absolute yes but, for the moment, it was good enough.

Hey, everyone who voted for Trump: Fuck you!

I think the consensus is Republicans literally have no bill writers anymore. They spent the last 10 years shouting ‘NO!’ and flat out forgot how legislation works.

Makes you wonder how President Ted Cruz would be. Thank god it didn’t happen.

I know we’re overloaded with news, but why aren’t we hearing more about the note he passed to Angela Merkel demanding $380bn in “back pay” for NATO funding? Not only is he wrong on all the political science, but it’s literally something that my FUCKING FIVE YEAR OLD WOULD DO WITH CRAYONS.

“I can do tax reform in three hours” Paul Ryan, probably.

Now that they aren’t going to manage to come to agreement among themselves on how exactly to blow up the whole health care system, we can fully appreciate the hilarity of Trump’s unstoppable negotiating style. He offered literally one concession to the people he was trying to win over, they said they appreciated it

Turns out if *45 can’t sue someone, or declare bankruptcy, or call in his own PR pretending to be someone else, he has no actual negotiating skills at all. And those previous tactics aren’t skills.

And he uses the term “Daddy”, past age fucking 8.

Imagine how bad things would be if they were actually competent at politics, deal making and leadership.

Not to take anything away from the spectacular suckfest that Trump and Ryan put on, but what the fuck have Republican think tank thinker ls been doing for the past decade? The ACA took months to pound together after starting with a bill that had been written over years by industry/think tanks/pols. The ACHA was

“You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”

Named her kid “Christian,” believes in reincarnation when profitable.

My dad used to drive a plow for a living and I’d bring my son to the garage so he can see what grandad does for a living and my son was just as excited as the fuck head in the picture. The leader of our country is a toddler.

A toddler might say to you, “Vroom vroom, I am a truck!”