RT Ramone


Another high-paying gig for Magic where basic English language skills are frowned upon.

I earned a doctorate (insert scientific discipline here).   I sign professional correspondence as “NAME, Ph.D.” People at work (senior rank, equal rank, junior rank) address me as Dr. I do not refer to myself as “a doctor” and do not expect or want friends and acquaintances to call me “Dr.” This is exactly how my

What about VietNam?

And he’s clearly sick of her. Sad.

Sank Oregon.

Cue it up, this time for Dolan:

Turning Japanese.

“...baseball legend Curt Schilling.”

I was about to post something about Deron Johnson... but just saw that he died 25 years ago at age 53. Sad.

Pats don’t play in Boston.


Nolte peaked young.

Kellyanne’s jaw > LeBron’s jaw.

Is it wrong to miss Al Davis?

The Dunning Kruger Effect is the answer...

And it’s nothing but Schadenfreude that Washington is going to pay a ransom to Kirk the Twerp.

I’m having an attack of the Cognitive Dissonance. Terry Bradshaw may be on to something (shudder)..

Old enough to remember well...

Man, all those guys look a lot younger than when I watched the movie as a kid right after it came out.