You mean Felipe'd over?
You mean Felipe'd over?
Honestly, everybody needs to decamp the bandwagon. Almost everybody commenting is rattling off the same, elitist, load of crap. Commenter after commenter and the same knee-jerk, dumb-shit comments....
Here's the deal... Unions were necessary in the history of this nation to control the rampant abuses perpetrated by industry. People died doing their jobs and companies did nothing more than get the body out of the way, and that's not right.
Unions came into the picture and did lots of good in securing better…
On the one hand, a UAW-run "Works Council" in VW feels like such a longshot that a failure seems like no big deal. That's now how they see it though, here's the money quote:
Ugh. After recently going through the new car buying process, searching countless dealerships for a car we wanted, being blatantly lied to by salesmen, and being put in the high pressure sales situations, then be harassed by phone/text/e-mail for weeks afterwards after buying a car, I'd gladly welcome direct to…
As some other very wise people have said: BMW S54, 3.2 liter straight six. And more specifically the CSL version with MAP instead of MAF, carbon airbox and other changes lifting power to 360hp. And making the sound even more amazing:
Party Mode should be the DEFAULT position. The switch should say Five-0, and shut the party down when activated.
When you were a kid, your only responsibility during the holiday season was to not lick any frozen flagpoles. But…
Nissan already had an NSX destroyer - and Ian Callum penned it:
Low horsepower Import tuning is dead. Ok, not dead, but when was the last time you saw a truly riced out NEW Honda? The fast the furious tornado of vehicular vomit has died a slow death. That industry is a money maker no more.