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Pitino: “Man, that took forever.”

Davos is undoubtedly fantastic, but it’s actually Stannis that harps on this grammatical error.

Not if the SIL is on his wife’s side.

Yeah, you’re just wrong.

Yeah, you’re just wrong.

I feel like that happens with almost any good tripel. The coriander spice flavor almost totally negates the strong beer bite.

Just wanted to add a bit to what you’ve written here. I live in Seattle and have had a variety of experiences from one shop to the next here with most being pretty positive. Overall, the cash advice is true, but Washington State somewhat recently gave approval to marijuana dispensaries and payment processors to

Much like drinking in public, I highly doubt there will be many places (if any at all) that allow smoking weed in public. Over time it could be something that happens in certain towns/cities, like being able to have open containers out in public in New Orleans and Savannah. But if there is going to be any sort of

It’s true that mechanics are by far the most important aspect of achieving a higher throwing velocity, but its also just not true that increasing strength will “do almost nothing.” There is clearly a limit to how much lifting can help, but that partially depends on where you’re starting out. For me, I’m trying to put

When I was 12, I played in a tournament at Cooperstown that had teams from just about every state playing there (we represented CT). I remember multiple kids that were around 6', and one kid that went by “Gator” that had a full goatee.

Ugh, I remember facing kids like that back when I played at that level. Not fun.

I’m 31 now, and I hit about 75 (maybe 77?) at the Puyallup fair two years ago. I’m a skinny SOB, so I’m hoping I can get that up to 80 now that I’m finally starting to work out (somewhat) consistently. But I could be severely underestimating the cruel effects of time.

I don’t see how it’s a shit example. There are various hair colors, much like there are various religions. But with a bald head, there is just a lack of hair, just as with atheism there is a lack of belief/faith in the existence of a deity. Atheism is not and does not have a belief system. There are no prayers, ritual

A fellow Microsoft employee I see. I live in Belltown so there’s a good chance we share the same connector.

Eh, I always thought the problem wasn’t as much with the drivers in MA (they’re certainly more aggressive than in WA, but more skilled) as it was the confusing nature and small size of the roads in and around Boston.

After moving from the Northeast, I was (and still am) amazed at the lack of driving skills amongst people here in Seattle. Say what you will about Massholes and other aggressive drivers there, but at least they know how to fucking merge.

but your a fucking asshole busybody

You know its hard out here for a witch

The word you’re looking for is “censor”.