
I really enjoyed this article and was super stoked it wasn’t a link to the annoying EE flicks.

Don’t you mean Suzuk-E Samur-i

With enough forward momentum, your car, like my aunt’s great dane climbing on the couch, can fit (wedge) yourself into even the smallest space.

Sadly I have most of the parts, I just haven’t installed them yet because I keep getting distracted by other things...like buying more smarts. xD Send help.

I was expecting an Engineering Explained video on compression ratios, and was graciously surprised and happily proved wrong! This was a great read, please do more of this!!

People who speed, and even tangentially defend speeding or running red lights like this, piss me off.

We’re already paying for each other’s stupidity.

You can’t fit the full mullet in landscape.

Way to take something to the logical extreme.
Speed cameras are nothing but revenue generators that actually decrease public safety.
Red light cameras do NOTHING to reduce accidents in the area where they are installed. In-fact the opposite happens.

So taking the truth to text. fighting these scameras means

“I’m still gonna send it!”

its a speed camera not a redlight camera

You beat me to it! Have a star.

That look at the end. That is not the look of a man who just had fun.


If you are going to cosplay an elderly 1%er you have to go all in.

My lightning reaction is to be staggered at all of this.

This is a person that believes that even if you drink even a drop of alcohol you’re stupid. Best not to engage.

I usually enjoy your comments but I don’t know about this. Plenty of people drink responsibly and have a lot of fun. A rapist is a different animal. I would be willing to bet that these fellows had nothing to drink and preyed upon a drunk girl who was just having fun.

Exactly! The reason I live in NJ is because I missed my exit before the bridge 20 years ago and you know, what are you going to do, right?

Always a good reminder that the exit you need is the only exit in existence to get to the place you are going. It is the only way both in and out for the people past that point. So if you miss your exit, all is lost, you can never go back or around you must find a new destination, give up the people and or places you