
I am the HOA’s worst nightmare. IF I was to be forced kicking and screaming against my will to live in one, you can guarantee that I would ONLY own beat up pieces of shit cars like my P.T. Cruiser, and they would be parked in the driveway for all the nosy fucks to whine about. I’d zero scape the yard because as

Then you have a choice you have to make. I personally will make other sacrifices in order to not have an HOA tell me what I can or cannot do with my property.

I would like some clarity on this. Troopers as far as I know were very dependable back when they were introduced. I would like to know the reason why that suffered later in the 90's.

Care to explain? My dad had one and the thing ran longer than the frame lasted and it had over 300k by then. I think he may have replaced the transmission at 250k but he never changed the fluids, either.

I’m not saying you are wrong, I’m just curious as my experience is the exact opposite of yours.

I don’t really care either way, but I do think those are sound ideas.

So clearly folks who don’t want politics injected into sports (STICK TO SPORTS!) will be more than happy to support a decision to stop playing the National ANthem at sporting events and stop visiting the President no matter what? Right? RIGHT??

Shout out to Tavares for getting the covert swears in there. I see you, specifically placed bracelet...I see you. 

Do you still get 2 minutes for Hooking while playing in Vegas??

lagwagon are a gift

I take great offense to lagwagon being placed so low

Needs black electrical tape over the c-pillar to make the roof look disconnected.

No because Bumblebee was and forever will be a VW Beetle!!! Michael Bay be damned!

If you plan to have a dog and feed it a vegan or vegetarian diet, please find someone else to adopt your dog. It’s cruel to the dog to be malnourished because of stupid human garbage beliefs.

But you should invite people that are cool, be they black, white, whatever. In this day in age we need all the good people we can find and encourage them to step out and step up. I think they are more people out there than the idiots that get the microphone.

“Switching your dog to a no- or low-meat diet will help reduce the carbon pawprint”

The civil war was against DC and taxation. Don’t know about you, but I sure would like to keep more of my check.

Sssshhhhhh you’re making too much sense

“Actually playing” is a nothing statement because what constitutes “actual play” varies from person to person. These runners have “actually played” OoT plenty. They know it backwards and forwards, far better than any of us.

Yeah, Ari did it better.

Now playing

I got bored, I’d like to see an actual timed run. Someone needs to compete with Loeb