Last week in the city of Westland, Michigan, a police officer pulled a car over for its illegally tinted windows.…
Last week in the city of Westland, Michigan, a police officer pulled a car over for its illegally tinted windows.…
Bring back the Patrick Division. And the Adams, Norris and Smythe. Also the Campbell and Prince of Wales conferences.
yes, as long as it is put on right and they don’t cut into the paint with their knives and trimmers while installing.
Luckily, most people are not self-centered, materialistic pricks.....it’s not as if he did anything to cause the flip-up. Who left the hood unlatched?
“Shit happens. It’s only a car.”
I am pretty sure this is how Freejack started.
I can’t tell what on this image was original, the truck, the gravel,...
Eh, even if you do own a Ferrari. Just imagine a guy wearing a Ferrari shirt while driving a Ferrari.... Ugh.
I’m of the opinion that Conor McGregor is a self-aggrandizing prick. A good fighter, hell - possibly a great fighter, but a self-aggrandizing prick nonetheless.
That being said, I wholly support him roasting Dana White’s nuts over a can of media fueled sterno.
Dana White, and by extension, the UFC is terrible to it’s…
Will also work with harmonic balancers that need to be hammered on the crank.
Your old ass sounds surprisingly like a millennial with your all about you complaint
Damn right. Turkeys are ornery sumbitches. Most large wild birds are mean as hell and not to be trifiled with.
Was the turkey even old enough to drink those beers, though? And without opposable feathers would it need a straw?
Reverse image search returned pages of crappy image dumps and nothing useful until I found this.
Everyone knows you don’t go to Patterson ever.
Yes they are all under the Don King local 1931 out of Cleveland.
Oh my.
I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.
Same - and the trip to the vet is 10 minutes, maximum. Our most chilled out cat nearly always leaves us a little physical reminder of how disappointed he is at being tricked into the car (foiled again, damn humans) for this very short journey.
Somewhere a bearded man is yelling at his friends, “THAT 230K MILE TDI... NOT SUCH A BAD INVESTMENT NOW!!!”