
I was pulling a new subaru onto the 4 post and it wouldn’t allow me until I figured out how to shut that silly shit off. It thought the alignment machine was an obstruction.

Believe it or not, before the civic guys figured out subarus make torque, there were normal guys that owned them. I’m one of the holdouts.

While the new eyesight is amazing, I don’t want it in my car. I enjoy driving, let me drive. I have no problem that those that don’t really care about driving have the option. I like not relying on nannies to save me. Drive responsibly for the conditions and you likely won’t have a problem.

If subaru was serious about

I just saw a car covered in metal stickers with them this week. He had them under the taillights. Are you simulating a trunk full of bleeding corpses? Is your car so shitty (it was a crapalier) that it’s crying blood?

Sadly, you might be right.

It’s possible he’s doing it to raise prices to help the domestic suppliers hire the manpower to support the demand. The domestic suppliers are there, Subaru uses local steel at their SIA plant. Only the drivetrains come from Japan.

I doubt the 35+ miles I commute each way would be a reasonable sum.

Or have to live in the country because the metro area is cost prohibitive.

That’s great if you live where public transportation is a thing. I live in the woods because that’s all I can afford. Living in the metro area is cost prohibitive.

I remember a early trip to the family land in upstate NY. There was 3 of us in a cargovan with a solid sheet of steel in the back that went all the way up to the doghouse. There was a welded piece of angle iron behind the seats to prevent sheets of steel from sliding up and wacking any occupants. Since I was the

Roast Beef?

Nope, it’s the site. At work on a Mac at hangs sometimes. At home on a PC it hangs so often I end up just giving up.

They may have hit reset but I still read the headline in Clarkson’s voice and cadence.

I’m aware they are both on the same side. Both sides keep fighting against each other in a pissing contest instead of hammering out a deal that is mutually beneficial. It seems like they lost the point that they are there to debate and get things done. All they seem to do now is piss in each other’s cornflakes just

Chris Christie shot this down well before Trump was involved. Maybe blame all the politicians on both sides that don’t want to address our shit falling apart.

Hopefully they see any potholes coming.

Three? A nice pothole would likely take out at least 2.

You need the Ronal bears for strength.

Possibly right after they gutted Chrysler and left it for dead.

And Nissans, VW’s, subarus...

I can see trying to revive a gutted domestic metals manufacturing infrastructure. It’s still quite a bit of a risk seeing as a lot of company owners are heartless bastards that like to hold on to their profits.

This isn’t about the nitwit that’s presently the figurehead of our country. I’m certainly not a fan of him, I’m just playing devil’s advocate.