EDM is very good for this too :) Especially the non-vocal kinds.
EDM is very good for this too :) Especially the non-vocal kinds.
Seeding is a bit more than just protecting your face, it's THE BASIS FOR TORRENTS! What a dumb guide.
I really don't care about the name of the device one bit. Utterly useless info.
How come this is missing the GPU model alltogether? Is it the 543 or 544? And what clockspeed is it running at? If you're going to list specs, do it properly.
They have those everywhere :)
There are alternative versions around. Some prefer larger bitrates and DTS sounds. Even tv episodes are 2+GB.
The SS is about $110k over here. I think that's the base model of it even, so it'll go up with options. Yay us.
How in the name of all that is holy is this NSFW?!
I'm pretty sure that's not a Macbook worth $1k, some cheapo netbook by the looks of it. But still, I salute the man, bitches need to be shown their place at 16, especially with that attitude.
Pretty scumbaggy for the guys behind the camera NOT to go warn people on both ends that it's that slippery. Amazing that one car that just speeds thru with no brains.
He's into everything dotcom. Hence the name. Read up on him, interesting stuff. I actually thought he died a few years ago.
This is what happens when you're a dick.
It really doesn't. Several locations, same shitty upload as always. 17kB/sec as I'm writing this at work (at an ISP) on a 100Mbit connection (speedtest.net shows about 98Mbit).
PreHome is the best and simplest task switcher I've come across. Absolutely love it.
Buy an Android phone - they've got all your info. Yes, I know people who buy an Android and don't use a gAccount in it at all but that moronic.
It's just so insane what kinda panic this creates in people that just don't get enough ACCURATE information. In Finland of all places, we've got people running out to get iodine pills and facing empty shelves. Seems that this disaster is being f*d up in too many ways, not the least in the media. If you have no idea…
N1 doesn't need root to play flacs. Just change the music player to any that support it, many do.
Awesome how simple people have made it so that we'll probably have to pay more for our apps because they get confused about prices that have digits other than .99.
Meh. Learn the difference between a processor and a System On a Chip (SOC) before making articles.
@Endtopt: Exactly what i do. Audiogalaxy is bliss. Unlimited data plan+streaming endless music from my home computer=win.