
Preach it. I have a wheat allergy (lab tested, not celiac, but definite allergy) and have been vegetarian by choice since I was 11 years old. People like that lady make all of us look bad.

It is not hard to have dietary restrictions (allergies or self-imposed restrictions) and be a respectful patron. You just have to,

As a gluten-free vegetarian, and who honestly has real issues with eating wheat, I am dedicated this gif to the carcass-lady. Because she makes the rest of us look like idiots, and worse, people take celiac less seriously.

We need to teach people that it's okay to say you don't like, or don't want to eat, some foods and ask if they can be omitted from your dish. The answer may be no, but at least you can then avoid ordering it. You don't have to concoct an elaborate medical lie to justify it. The waiter is not your mom and dad yelling

Now playing

"But I am just not good with fancy I-talian words. This sounds good and I know it's what I want, but would you help teach me how to say it?"

I would have told the gluten lady that I couldn't bring her a veggie dog with a clear conscience knowing that she was 'very alergic' to gluten.


I'll actually be celebrating a one year anniversary of my big day of quit on the 13th of this month....it wasn't a job I quit though. I was in a very toxic and emotionally abusive marriage for 19 years, which fueled my hereditary alcoholism....making me pretty damn miserable to the point of going to sleep at night

Several years ago, I went through a divorce. It was painful, and seemed out of the blue, there may have been another woman involved... long story.

She quit us? Wait...

I was a cocktail waitress at a filthy titty bar

How about when I quit "class participation" and passed the class with flying colors?

A restaurant is a business that sells prepared food. If you are over 2 years old, you are expected to order food and drinks from the menu, not bring your own unless the restaurant has specifically posted that this is allowed (as at some places that allow you to bring your own alcohol). If you want to bring your own

That's what I said! The jerk girl went on a classist rage telling me that I was not raised in a household who would be familiar with her brand of ettiquette (ie, I was poor) and that if I had been taught French I would know that RSVP meant to respond only if you could come.

Maybe, but how many ounces to a pound? Teaspoons to a tablespoon? Tablespoons to cups? Cups to gallons? And I get that 1/8 and 1/4 are easy to estimate, but should you base your whole damn system on that? All the multiplication. Jeez. Seriously, as a kid I couldn't even memorize my times tables. I would have failed

Oh please, Celsius is so awesome! The rest of the world knows it. One day, Americans will know the joy of water boiling at 100 degrees and freezing at 0, and of individual degrees making a perceptible difference in temperature. All the world's nations will sing out in celebration, and be united in peace and prosperity.

When I was moonlighting as a bartender, a liver fluke came into the joint, slopped down in a corner booth and snapped his fingers to get a cocktail waitress.

One of my first full-time jobs was at this incredibly busy hotel kitchen in Rotorua (NZ). We had a bunch of chefs and one of them was this French chef with a really bad temper, he took special delight in terrorizing the dishwashers. The hardest working, worst paid of the staff (aside from the laundry staff, those

were they foreigners? As an Australian I find the US tendency to rename everything quite confusing. Chicken fried steak is weird - what do you mean 'fried like chicken'? Isn't chicken fried like steak - in a fry pan on a stove top? Or is it crumbed like a schnitzel etc? One must realise that you lot do have a lot of

Ehm, no. The term "Zucchini" comes from the Italian "zucchina" (which is a diminutive of "zucca", the Italian word for 'pumpkin', which in turn is an inversion of the ancient word 'cocuzza', derived from the Latin 'cucutia'). In Italy, the plural word is "zucchine", feminine, while "zucchini" is masculine (and,

I'm Australian, and until today, I was totally confused as to what a "Chicken Fried Steak" actually was, so I can't blame this guy for not knowing what it was to begin with, if he wasn't from the US, because I don't think anywhere outside the US actually has anything like that, or calls it "Chicken Fried Steak",