
and now it's back in my head forever.

Right?! A nice aversion from the norm.

Maybe because I watched Season 1 again between Episode 11 and this one, but what happened to Courteney's face?! Stop the surgery :(

Well this episode made me cry a damn lot.
The tribute to Finn/Cory was done so well, like Brandon said, it hit me harder not knowing it was a tribute until the end. Romy Rosement is such a fantastic actor, she plays the emotion so perfectly.

Agreed! These past three episodes have been great, in terms of writing and spurring emotion. Not all of the songs have landed for me, but I've found myself actually looking forward to the next episode, and that hasn't happened for a long time with this show.

Yeah I liked the subtle delivery of it. But I would have also liked a 'Thanks a lot Patrice'

Late to the party.. but you nailed it about the sketchy voice-over establishing shots. There is also a few per episode where a characters mouth can't be seen but they say a very dubbed-sounding line.
Other than the dodgy editing though this is one of the best shows currently on.

Agreed. A sitcom would have usually gone down the old '"I'm not playing along with this nonsense, but plays along at the last minute and resolves it" route. So I was glad they have Grayson's 'acting' aspirations to aid this and other plotlines.

Might have been my favourite episode this season!
But something that bothered me was this: I know the fact that Andy is Mayor is really underplayed, but doing something so publicly, repeatedly and badly (the stand up) it felt problematic?
Also, I just wish Bobby could have an actual storyline, not like a 'gimmick of

I was hoping Meg would be there to put the b**ches down!