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Why don't you go visit Auschwitz and see the piles of hair, teeth, luggage, etc that were taken from the Jews before they were sent to their deaths in the gas chambers? While you're at it there are several very educational videos you can watch that will somehow make your mathematical impossibilities possible - you

Many of us do. It's not a silly distinction because your comment, "One execution every 2-3 minutes every single day for five years straight is what it takes to get up to that number." sounds like a gun shot execution or a single execution. Supposing you were someone who didn't know about the gas chambers and the

Just one recommendation for a change to the wording in the article. The death camps were mainly for murdering people, so instead of "died in this concentration camp" it should really say "were murdered in this concentration camp" Of course there were people who "died" without being murdered, but the numbers of

They weren't all executed. They were mainly hurried into a gas chamber and murdered all at once. Some chambers murdered 2000 people at a time - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_chamb… Not to hard to hit those numbers when you have multiple gas chambers and multiple death camps. All in all, around 6 million Jews

Microsoft just made me excited about a piece of technology for the first time in years!

It seems to me thatwhen you're really engaged in an activity the need to nap dimishes significantly. I nap once per week - on Shabbat in the early afternoon, on a full stomach (which I rarely enjoy during the week at the same hours) my wife and I generally trade off between naps and kids. I shoot for the REM nap,

The music sounds like B-Traxx, made by derbauer.de, one of the most successful Flash development companies in the world, and they're also based in Germany, so there might be some connection.

"I Hope Miley Cyrus Made Entirely Out of Emojis Is What I See When I Die"

All except for the poses, that was awesome!

Neither do I, but is the alternative better? Tablephone?

Incredible Hulk vs Ironman?

Just not clear why Darrell went back, sweaty, to get the ring himself from the subway - what's that all about? Did he suddenly not want to get married? How did he know Sherwin would be right there at that time?

Totally laughing out loud right there when the Toaster icon shows up in Windows!

How would it get power without being plugged in via HDMI? especially if being used with a wireless screen?

I just bought my first umbrella - a $13 Chinese import with silicone instead of the majority of the metal in the frame, after speaking with someone who still has one after 3 years of harsh winds. I'd take it over the one produced in this video anytime. It won't ever look like most of these: https://www.google.com/sea

Looks great! And it's nice to see something with Samuel L. Jackson playing a good guy.

I'm willing to watch Braveheart because it was a good movie, but not because Mel Gibson is in it.

This seems like something Google would do - I wonder if they're already on it?

I thought this guy was doing that?

But how could you possibly forget?? Kevin Spacey is ALWAYS the bad guy!