
I didn't notice it when I left the link, but it's also in English - just hit English at the top of the page, or click here: http://www.odyeda.com/English/Jewish… They did a nice job on this, and on the Hebrew version there's an approbation from the Israeli Education Ministry.

As far as I know, it's based on both - working backwards from now until then with artifacts as well as scripture.

That's interesting, but not what I meant. I meant if they start licensing out iOS to other phone and tablet manufacturers, the same way they licensed out the MacOS to other computer manufacturers

Have you got any proof to offer to back up that statement?

That's actually a lovely question! Thank you for posing it.

I'm not certain it's happening right now, but whenever history repeats itself, it should be evident to whoever is paying attention. Years back, Apply kicked out Steve Jobs and started making terrible decisions for the company. This peaked, IMHO, when Apple started licensing out the Apple OS. Ultimately it almost

Interesting and detailed graphic. As an orthodox Jew, I can say that Judaism started well before 950BCE as listed, however. http://www.odyeda.com/JewishTimeline… He's taking the time of the building of the First Holy Temple in Jerusalem as a starting point which is very misleading. The precepts and teachings of

If it was a teary farewell, at least one of the dragons would have seen his reflection in the tears. If all the other dragons saw him turn, knowing that his eyes were like all the others, everyone would immediately know they had green eyes. I believe, however, that one dragon would turn at midnight, and the others

Serious question - Global warming as recently been seen to affect the earth's rotation http://sploid.gizmodo.com/climate-change… Can it also affect how fast the earth turns in a way that can make races take less time?

I completely agree with you. I upgraded from Vista to Windows 8 when the upgrade was only $40. I quickly realized I needed a way to circumvent the Start Screen though, and eventually Classic Shell gave me that, as well as a great Start Menu. After upgrading my RAM and putting in an SSD, my nearly 6 year old

Calling this Windows 10 seems like too much marketing - I prefer the Mac versioning technique, under which this iteration of Windows would probably be called 8.3 or so.

Thanks for waking me up!

If she'd have been wearing something a bit less revealing, I think the results would have been different.

Judging by the number of people impressed by the Start Menu, it seems few people know of, or care to use Classic Shell. Every Windows 8.x install I make for my clients includes it. Problem solved, and free. I don't like live tiles, I don't particularly like Microsoft's search (I prefer a program called Everything -


This was really informative, especially the videos. Some things not clear to me - what, if any, is the NSA's involvement with the bitcoin mining process other than providing the encryption method? Will the mining eventually end as a result of finding all the bitcoins or as a result of the process costing more than

for sure! But then both methods would be, right? If drills are performed, they could probably do it in the dark, though.

It has a bearing on your comment - you because you belittled the cause, comparing it with cancer, and other, admittedly, larger issues. However, as this issue is nearly completely unaddressed, I pointed out that children are still being born, and the issue is still very relevant for a great many people who don't want

I was about to mention SkySaver, but your link already covered it. http://www.skysaverusa.com/ From what I understand, the anchor points are part of the infrastructure that an office would include when purchasing the product - you make it sound like finding the anchor points would be difficult. I imagine they'd be

Yes, it's not like kids are being born everyday "and shit" who need to nurse.