That last scene kind of reminded of Inferno from Caliban
That last scene kind of reminded of Inferno from Caliban
Sam, this looks like a well-thought-out and invested review - thanks! The review is a surprise, but you're not the only reviewer who sees things this way:
It seems to me that Apple is starting to build a stock of devices that offers different things for different people. It should slow down a bit after there are at least a few different models being sold at the same time. This is what Apple did several years ago with their computer before they nearly cashed in all…
"The A6X is, according to Apple, twice as fast on both general CPU tasks and graphics."
In answer to your question - It can be threatening. What I don't understand is why so many people want to believe in the BigBang as an alternative to believing in G-d rather than as a way of understanding what G-d did.
This comes at a suitable time on the Jewish calendar. This past Shabbat (Sabbath) we read the Torah portion of Noah. In it, there are people who, after the flood decide to make a tower to rival G-d in the event that He might forgo His pact with Noah to never again flood the earth (i.e. they don't believe G-d, and…
EXACTLY! (sarcasm) - I didn't mean to not make the ad at all. Microsoft can make an informative ad without all the crap meant to grab teenagers' eyes and ears.
What's so great about this ad?! Windows 8 is awesome, and most likely doesn't need trendy music or cliche countdowns that catch you by surprise. Not to mention that OEM's are going to install it anyway on nearly all their new machines. I see little more than a 30 second break in a TV show that I wish wasn't there…
Same - he started it, he's great, they'd have to call it something else.
I think this is WAY better -
They ruled that out a few weeks ago:
It's nice to have the MinutePhysics guy back.
All in all, it doesn't help a convict to have fans, unless if the convict was innocent, then it would be almost imperative. If a murderer, rapist, etc. has fans, and becomes and online icon and "role model" trouble will follow.
Does anyone spend SO much time looking at the ads that they become the reason to have a magazine or iPad app?
We try to be. Bring your girlfriend for a visit to Israel - feel free to get a hold of me here and I'll be happy to set you up with plenty to do!
As a request to Gizmodo - can you make an Apple channel? Keep all the Maps gripes, etc there and perhaps let us readers get through 3 or more posts without coming across an Apple-related post? I like Apple. I don't like the new maps. But I like to read about more than just that.
They're still kind of expensive. I build and sell desktop machine using third gen processors and the processor alone costs $200-350 A laptop using an i3-370 could still be bought for $500-600, and a new i5 3210 with 8GB of RAM would cost well over $1000.
Right, and in Israel, where I live, they're still being sold as cheaper models. Interesting to see how they'd stand up to the new AMD chips.
This looks really amazing. They need to find a way to make the effects proper from a distance of a few meters, though, and not as they would sound with a mic inside the cloth. It's another step toward firing actors and sound-effect engineers, though, I think, as 3D animated characters will have all their sounds…
Nice - here is a table of processors: The Arrandale line has dual core i5.