
If that's what you were doing, by all means, please continue. Most time when someone says, "It was a Jew" and is trying to place blame, it's considered derogatory, even if buffered within a joke, since Jews have a history of being scapegoats. Yom Tov! (Have a nice day! - in Hebrew)

Your antisemitic crack is unappreciated.

A normal starred user can approve comments. We cannot do much else.

Brent I have to tell you - it's awesome what you did/are doing. Making a life-change of that sort shows real ambition and power. It's like someone who decides to stop biting nails. Well done, and thanks for the inspiration.

I cannot remove your comment, but it's against the commenting rules. You're allowed to disagree with people, but not to insult them.

I was about to write nearly the same thing, on both counts.

The title seems a bit sensationalist, but the video is very informative. So much of the food we eat has labels like the one on the box at 46 seconds unless you buy everything at a health food store. The first ingredient is beef, then water, and then textured vegetable protein product, which contains the rest of the

If they work as billed, they don't looks so bad. Aside from the color the two pictures look very similar anyway.

My sediments exactly

You're right - sorry for over generalizing. I had originally written than creationists believe that G-d created the world, but when editing it became the generalization you noted. I should have changed it to the "Torah teaches that..."

Please see my response to MattAtDoyle

Nah. We creationists also believe that G-d creates and destroyed many worlds, both here and elsewhere until He made our "world", which starts with someone called Adam. Nowhere does the Torah say that others weren't created aside from him, rather that only Adam was created in G-d's image. Since G-d has no image,

Thank you!

I say this seriously - not if cars start to hover without wheels. If the roads can conduct, they can magnetize. I'm sure it'd be nearly impossible, so it's more likely that the sides of buildings, or poles and other metal objects could be covered for conductive uses.

Totally hands-free. Does it have to pair with a phone in order to work? If so will it work only with Android devices or others as well? After Larry Page's comments about competition it would be kind of ironic for Google to limit such a great invention to only Google devices.

I think Mr. T would pity this guy.

"Steve Wozniak just sent me this hilarious screenshot"

You are SO right!

I absolutely fail to appreciate this.