
I actually get less sleep, but that's because I'm self-employed and still trying to alter my habits to be healthier, which, if I'm successful, will give my wife a lot of relief.

Look, Jesus writes a lot of articles - some are good, some aren't. I think it's appropriate to accentuate the positive to show the writers what we'd like to see more of.

Serious question - what does Lightroom ($149) have on Picasa ($0)?

Reading through the posts, it seems like some people idealize NOT getting married. Perhaps they like the freedoms available to singles, like not being accountable to someone else, having less responsibilities, etc. Even someone living with a partner for years will not have the same bond as couple who is married and

Awesome article Jesus! Thanks!

I'm still laughing too - about twice as much after your post!

Unless "Bubbles" is the name of the siren in the first video, it's a bit difficult to focus on anything else.

I think you meant to write that response to Hallpass, not to me.

Where's that picture you mentioned?

"And this chatroom, like pretty much all of Anonymous' chatrooms, were ripe for monitoring:"

That article yesterday about solar storms - [gizmodo.com] I don't think I'd like solar storms if I were in a robot body - it seems it would be like wiping out a flash drive.

I thought banks would have something like this by now, so how is this guy robbing 4 banks? Apparently they didn't have time to whip the devices into the money stolen.

Here's mine - Gawker in the middle:

That's a great link - Thanks!

Don't banks have marked bills to give to thieves?

I thought you were joking, but wow - it still works - just plug into maps.google.com china to japan or the opposite

I think the last time I heard of green eggs was from Dr. Seuss.

For all the complaints about the visual aspects of the OS, this article would greatly benefit from screenshots, at least for the first bit.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate at this point to say the Nokia 808 CAMERA comes with a nifty phone?

If you want to help a teen, or anyone, build self-esteem, encouraging them to change themselves through a hidden message saying, "Right! You're really not ok the way you are." is really not the best way to go about it. When I was a kid I my ears protruded a bit and I was called Mickey Mouse and Dumbo by some of the