Nice last name :) Yes, you're correct - Star Wars was his thing. Now it makes sense. Thanks for explaining.
Nice last name :) Yes, you're correct - Star Wars was his thing. Now it makes sense. Thanks for explaining.
I'm not familiar with the reference "Ronny".
I thought the three little dots on the side of the tank would be an LED flashlight in addition.
Isn't this a good time to try an implement some anti-missile tactics?
The same as the black guy on the white iPad, of course! (in the upper lefthand corner, that is)
Sorry, you're right.
It's intentional - I live in Israel, and as an observant Jew (or trying to be), chose a "kosher" ISP. Their entire clientele base wants the filter in place.
I'm happy using my $10 sprayer. []
Thank YOU!
You kind of lost me with "life happens spontaneously". What happens spontaneously in our eyes can often be found to have some sort of order and reason when investigated. As for the article linked to: [] this is not proof of spontaneous life, but rather proof that we haven't observed this life form up until…
Thanks! Yes, that would be why they block it then by default.
It's a "kosher" ISP in Israel - I chose to have them as my ISP, as do all their clients, in order to have the filter in place.
They generally only block pornography or sites that are liable to have unsavory pictures posted. I never thought to ask them to unblock it. Do Reddit users post nude pictures?
correct - but I don't use any social/community sites either.
My ISP blocks Reddit anyway, though I'm not sure why. Am I missing anything crucial?
My thoughts exactly
by going around the light in a Euclidean fashion. The same way planes make shorter trips by flying over the north pole rather than around the earth laterally.
Galaxies move. I wonder if it is possible that we could look so far away and see our own galaxy in its infancy where it was 13 billion years ago. I'm sure that would mean we didn't travel at the speed of light all that time, but rather in some Euclidean (where arcs, not lines, are the shortest path between two…
Someone tell me if I'm wrong. When RIM originally released the Playbook they billed it as a "professional tablet", whatever that means. My guess is that they intentionally went about this backwards. First, not believing it would really take off, and so limiting the R&D funding for it. Then releasing a product idea…