
"Sadly, if you want to stream from non-iTunes sources, you're out of luck for now" Unless I didn't understand correctly, I believe this is a mistake. AirPlayer for iOS allows your iOS device to access any shared device on the network and play (read: steam) its media. I've used it plenty to say it's a gem!

It says the video is private and that you need to login to see it. Is this happening to anyone else?

He's referring to the fellow peeping up through the bomb shelter/manhole in the lower left-hand corner. They guy standing in the middle is resting his hand on the button below said hand - it's a comfortable posture and probably wasn't yet a photo-etiquette problem at the time.

Windows 7 is much better than Vista in my opinion, but I didn't want to purchase the upgrade.

If you want to continue using DropBox, you can make a small TrueCrypt volume that can act like an encrypted bubble. This is also an excellent way to transfer encrypted files over email as long as you're not worried about being harassed for the password. Syncplicity, a great alternative, has this to say about their

I, who, in general, am opposed to online social networks, find myself suddenly seeing the world in less black and white. It's very confusing now. Cool use of Twitter.

Sam, this is a good article - precisely because you write your feelings presumably how you are comfortable speaking. "this is lazy teachers screwing their students" - I don't know that this is a fair assessment, though, because teachers currently in the field weren't trained for this kind of phenomenon. They need to

"hold Ctrl and Shift down, and right click on any empty space in the Start menu" - This didn't work for me - Vista 64 bit. But, as has already been mentioned, ctrl-shift-esc can open the task manager, and from there you can quit explorer and relaunch it. Many times, simply logging out and back in can prove very

I appreciate your reply - thanks. I'm indeed ignorant and you've pointed out many factors I didn't think about. I apologize if my questions irritated you. Today, just about anything it possible, and, forgive me for being ignorant, but the international community could come together in a case like this to dump, not

I appreciate your reply - thanks. I'm indeed ignorant, and apologize for having shown it in a potentially hurtful manner.

Accepted. However, my question is, was someone trying to save cash by taking their time, and could something have been done to contain the pending meltdown before it happened? Pick your coolant of choice, but ocean water doesn't seem to me to be super cold. Why not endless truckloads of ice, or something cold? It

Could this have been prevented if they had opted to cover the entire place in concrete right away? Somehow I have a feeling that someone was trying to save a lot of money, and instead, it's going to cost a lot of lives.

? Who is that?

No problems with wifi, but the battery says it's not charging. It actually charged to 100% overnight. Anybody else with this problem? It started directly after the upgrade from 4.3.1

@Alchymist: Aside from being Japanese, I was about to write the same comment.

"vicinity of a pack of nails and a horse." That made me laugh!

Let's not eulogize him, ok? "Geek" is reserved for cool people who are not murderous villains.

I haven't had this problem, but it no longer charges properly - says not charging, but filled up over night.

I want one of these for my kids!

Ha kol havel.