
During the beta I just flipped through the random ones until I found one that looked like a famous pirate. I landed on one that was the spitting image of Kurt Russel from “Captain Ron” and I was sold.

Anime is just part of our world at this point. Maybe it’s time to stop acting surprised that people like it.


It’s a good thing you stop in every day and compulsively comment on shit then.

If the rules ban something, the rules ban something. Even if what’s banned is intentional and not even a glitch, if it’s banned it’s banned. That’s what rules are. See also: why you can’t play any damn card you want in a M:TG tournament even though every card was intentionally made by WotC.

It hasn’t seemed to affect the NFL. They don’t even know what the fucking rules are at any given moment.

But what if Tesla’s own Chinese salespeople, who have been caught basically advertising autopilot as fully autonomous, put those unreasonable expectations on there?

My first binge was Sex and The City. I was sick in bed, OnDemand was new and I already seen The Wire and I was bored.

What basis are you using to determine if content “should have been in the base game”? It launched with a bunch of operators and a bunch of maps. Also, the yearly season pass is $30, not $60. Every new map added has been free to everyone, keeping the player base on the same page. New operators take some time to save up

But this game was designed as an assymetrical player versus player experience. why are you bringing single-player into this?

few maps? like DOTA or LoL or the map rotation in CS:GO.

Like them, there is a minimal story.

yes, the pricing was wrong, this is them correcting it.

it still seems you hate on the game for hate’s

“Multiplayer is only what you put into it. It has no story, no purpose, and is highly repetitive (especially on these 4 map games lately) on its own.”

I want the Xbox brand to succeed. I really, truly do. But if you’re a PC gamer there is ZERO reason to buy an Xbox One.

I want the Xbox brand to succeed. I really, truly do. But if you’re a PC gamer there is ZERO reason to buy an Xbox