
I think it’s a pretty solid show and beautifully animated, but at the same time, I don’t think that anyone involved in it should be surprised that it hasn’t captured wide appeal. It’s gross and obtuse, pretty slow paced, and absurdly weird--these are not qualities that are going to make a show hit top 10 on Netflix. 

Nobody is making anyone play on the hardest difficulties, if they can’t hack it they can play at a lower difficulty

100% accurate. Didn’t expect anything else from Bethesda. Also, for a game about the exploration of space, there basically is none. It’s all just menus and fast travel which I feel more reviews should have slammed it for.

Dogshit take lol

Oof, Hunters is pretty much dogshit, can’t believe they let writers like that keep working

Really is embarrassing that all the anti AI people can’t just stick to actual values and have to constantly denigrate the result itself. “Shat out a tic-tok looking filter” is just unbelievable cringe. Nobody making this stuff thinks it’s perfec, it’s interesting and in it’s infancy. If you think it’s theft (you’re

A good story with a bad ending is just a bad story. People shouldn’t get credit for coming up with 80% of a good story.

I mean, tiktok is a data collecting front run by the CCP, does anyone with half a brain cell expect that they are a real company with morals?

It’s so embarrassing to cherry pick the absolute worst actors like the profile you chose and try to pass it off as being indicative of everyone in the group. It’s terrible, biased journalism and degrades the validity of everything else you say.

Why do people think that parading around the actions of the absolute worst people is any kind of indictment of a larger group? These aren’t ‘gotchas’ in any way. It’s like choosing a serial killer and holding them up like like “see! accountants are horrible people! LOOK AT THIS GUY!” It’s frankly embarrassing.

While it’s certainly up to the user whether or not they find the humor cringe, I think it’s unfair to compare it to Marvel—this is an intentional comedy through and through, whereas Marvel uses cringe humor as bathos to undercut dramatic moments and ruin anything that could be emotional. A piece of media using this

So if I understand this correctly, anybody who can’t affect systemic change on absolutely massive levels just shouldn’t try at all? Because JFC, what a message.

Damn that looks good

How about wait about 20 years and then they can all come back as a lifeless, creatively bankrupt cash grab written by a committee? Worked great for the last cycle.

Sure wish had been a different fantasy property like Mistborn or any of other of dozens of good options. Like, nobody cares about anything in Middle Earth that didn’t happen during The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. It may as well be an original setting.

Chinese people are not scary. The Chinese government should horrify any sane person.

May not be as widespread as this claims, but it’s extremely plausible. China is a bad actor on the world stages, behind dozens of hacks of other countries and their factories (that are all beholden to the state) produce a ton of tech used elsewhere in the world. There was enough evidence to ban Huawei, you think

Please Keanu, make it happen

This must be reviewed in immaculate detail 

Why did they have to rush these out? This is honestly the most embarrassing goddamn thing. It would make sense if this was like post covid because they lost a few billion dollars but there was literally no reason to do this. Oof.