
What basis are you using to determine if content “should have been in the base game”? It launched with a bunch of operators and a bunch of maps. Also, the yearly season pass is $30, not $60. Every new map added has been free to everyone, keeping the player base on the same page. New operators take some time to save up

You mentioned Normal difficulty, is the difficulty adjustable now? I don’t recall that it was in the first game and it got too easy quickly.

Yeah, man I hate people that are doing something they enjoy in life

It’s not even an argument, an FPS is fundamentally better on a mouse and keyboard because of the way the view works. When you move a mouse and find your reticle over your target, you stop moving the mouse and the reticle stops. On a controller, you have to move the joystick back from a tilted position to neutral to

It’s not less than half a game. It’s a game that was designed from the ground up to be 99% based around multiplayer. If you aren’t interested in multiplayer, you shouldn’t be even considering the game. It was never misrepresented as having single player features. Sixty bucks for a unique multiplayer experience is not

I've never understood this opinion...most games that are predominantly multiplayer that DO have single player campaigns, the single player is tacked on and clocks in between 5-10 hours. Is that really what makes the difference to so many people? Is there actually a large player base that buys first person shooters for

Seems a bit like you don’t understand the idea of Snapchat, because in my experience people share random, unconstrained pictures they would never put on Facebook or Instagram. Sure, some people occasionally pose and act fake but most understand the ephemeral nature of it and I enjoy that. Nobody takes 100 snaps to