Dear Lifehacker,
I’m not a developer or anything, but I’m really excited about the new improvements in iOS 10 and…
Everyone has preferences when it comes to dating, but only dating people that are your “type” can actually sabotage…
We’ve covered all kinds of different ways to learn how to solder, but desoldering is a totally different beast.…
Wi-Fi SD cards have been around for quite a long time, but they didn’t really work that well. After digging around,…
You’ve probably had a lot of commercials tell you that their cereal is “part of a complete breakfast,” but what does…
Conferences and conventions are great places for meeting people, but it can be a little nerve-wracking to introduce…
Texting too often can take a toll on your body. While it might seem like it’s not a big deal, the physical posture…
Look at this baby. Look deep into his confused, cosseted eyes. He is not just a mere baby. He is a baby of…
You might’ve read the recent Answer of the Day for the Ten Best Racing Series That Nobody’s Watching where Rally…
Evernote’s Web Clipper extension is a great way to save clips from the web to your Evernote account, and now it…
Have I ever mentioned that I bought an Xbox One on launch day for $500 with no included games? Ah well, live and…
It’s really hard to believe, but I have to say that one of the most—and possibly the most—profound changes I’ve made…
You have an insane amount of choices for email clients on the iPhone and each does something a little differently…
Dear Lifehacker,
I heard that Microsoft is releasing a new browser with Windows 10. What’s new? Should I bother using…