Tycho Nestoris' Deeds of Debt

And Rudy pretty much says, “hey Sean, would you shut up for a second? I am on a roll here.”

Why can’t irony have an LD-50?

How do these fools not die from the irony?

That discount Kevin Bacon doesn’t look militia ready to me. His backs looks crooked and he can barely keep the pain from his old bones off his doofus mug.

It’s really an age old question, “Do I go with the neckbeard or the double chin?”

How do these people have jobs...

nihilistic provocation

No, go back to the drawing board.

*me in this timeline*

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Her Rachel Dawes portrayal was damn near Oscar worthy when compared to Maggie Gyllenhaal.

These immigrants morons need to learn English.

even though he was offensive, he seemed honest

That is how you bury a lede.

Why are we underground right now, sir? Why can’t we be out in the open? Why can’t we be in a square right now? Why aren’t we talking to people? Letting ‘em know, “ITEM 9 EXISTS!” Get it out. Shout at the rooftops!

Of course you went with the man who portrayed Hoover. Well played.

sarcastic “Lol”
sarcastic “tough guy”
sarcastic “LOVE”

Black Ops 3 already offered two-player co-op in that game’s campaign.

They sure do.