
That would Escalade the situation for sure.

Sad to see you go Doug but will definitely still follow you over at Autotrader. It was actually one of your CarMax stories that got me reading Jalopnik on a daily basis a little over a year ago. I was on Yahoo and noticed a link to it. I’m pretty sure it was one of your Range Rover columns and ever since then I’ve

I really hope South Park makes a Chinpokomon Go episode.

PCI Bus?

Party hearty, Audi!

I can see why he was distracted

5 years later...

Dear Tom,

my heart says yes but my FICO score says no

Now playing

These guys are highly entertaining. I love all the viewer sent in stuff.

Always carry a chain for those surly bicyclists!

Jason this is Jalopnik.
Nobody here has bought nor wants to buy a new car.
And essentially what you’re telling us is that our used cars are now more likely to appreciate at a faster rate.
You have accidentally made me happy with my sketchy at best investment strategy.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

If the Ferrari then caught fire, we could all ask “can you smell what the rock is cooking?”

I say NP. This one is 23 grand.

My wife used to watch “New Old” Top Gear with me and somewhat enjoyed it. She has definitely been removed from the Top Gear rumor mill and we set down to watch the second one together. Half way through she said “this is awful, I can’t watch it anymore”.