
They took the sign too literally

Crack price at ANY PRICE.

Yo, I’ma let the EPA finish, but based on the sheer number of vehicles on the road, the NOx effects of the GM screwup is going to far outweigh VW’s malfeasance, even though in both cases the intent was very similar, but somehow GM will probably get away with it just like the way they barely got a slap on the wrist for

What a twist!

A GNX steering wheel looks like something you could buy brand new on Ebay for $17.49 with free shipping.

I think the 2007 had the 4.7L. I believe there was a 4.6 option in 2010.

This is such an easy NP. I love the way Japan did luxury in the 1980's. Also according to the craigslist ad, this car is within 5 miles of me right now.

reminded me a little of this

VWs have a similar “feature”

Oops, wrong sci-fi

Stay strong friend! I too am a recovering VW owner. Whenever I see a GTI or GLI I get the desire to buy another. Then I have to look through my folder of repair bills until it goes away.

Jesus christ it doesn’t just look like a Passat, it has the same goddamn front end with that tapered flat front and stupid rectangular grill set slightly lower and pulled forwards from the headlights.

Toyota gets enthusiast hate because they are to cars what Ron Popeil is to appliances.

and doesn’t even check on the other driver. Fuck this guy.

Unleaded water only; none of that Flint stuff.