After he kills everyone, Dracula realizes he doesn’t know how to steer a ship.
After he kills everyone, Dracula realizes he doesn’t know how to steer a ship.
Hi, I’d like to report a typo in the article. Several times, it uses the word “prank”. However, it is more properly spelled “attempted murder”.
It took 5 minutes of staring at that header image to figure out what’s going on. Or at least, to reconcile the idea that “girl is falling head-first while clutching grass cat” instead of “decapitated girl walks along, while cradling both her own head and pokemon in an awkward waist-level hold (also both arms are on…
You’re thinking of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Whether it’s malicious or negligent, it’s still wrong. Studios could fix this if they made even the slightest effort to do so.
UBISOFT is shit. Big surprise.
White America: Why are you bring up old stuff?!
There are a couple notorious shortfalls like this. In this case, it’d be easy to have a new scene add a conclusion that shows what was intended. I’m hoping they really beef up a particular character’s story that is...a bit on the short side of things.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!!! Like so much potential now for the game to actually be a finished game!!!
Peeps are disgusting and should be abolished, and anyone who likes them should be considered an enemy of the state...or at least highly suspect.
but sixlets are the best.
I didn’t think it was possible for Peeps to look anymore unappetizing, but here we are in 2019.
Make no mistake, Blurred Lines is a gross sexist song that I’m happy has been largely forgotten.
Here’s what you do, from one tired dad to another:
Was really hoping for WC 1+2, especially since we currently have a working WC3 downloaded from bnet.
Considering how good some of the Chinese market bricks are, at a quarter the price of Lego (and less than half when they make it to America), that’s sad.
“It’s about historical accuracy” is the new “it’s about ethics in game journalism”?
The spell and weapon upgrade systems alone are reasons why I would love to pick up the game again.
I guess I’ll just have to load up my old PC port that included the PS Portable game Chocobo World instead.