
So, in the remaster, will the character whose story just kind of stops without a conclusion actually get a proper ending?

Just a quick comment for anyone who feels like listening.

Never store electronics with the battery inside. Take the battery out. If you can’t remove the battery, then make sure that the battery is drained before storing. This is a not just a safety thing, but also a longevity thing.

Honestly, it is perfectly valid that you have these thoughts. As someone who dumped Nintendo because Final Fantasy moved to the PS1, and who played this game while rumors of how to revive Aerith were still hot, I had no clue about a lot of the plot. Sephiroth’s whole motivation to me comes down to mommy issues, “I

Trademarks are not the same thing as copyright. For one, you don’t even have to register your copyright to own it. A trademark you have to actually register. With copyrights, you don’t have to do didly squat with your copyrighted work to maintain that copyright for life+70 years. A trademark you actually have to use

My problem is with your complete disregard for facts and truth with regard to intellectual property law. There is no such thing as “defend it or lose it” in US IP law.

in the USA, intellectual property is very much a defend-it-or-lose-it system.”
Wrong for every type of intellectual property in the US. There is no such thing. The closest there is to this thought is when trademarks become generified, Band-aid and Google for example. Those are still valid trademarks even though they

I bought Grandia as a PS1 classic on the PSN store a couple of years ago. Once I got around to play it, I determined that it is a near perfect JRPG in my opinion. I struggle to find anything to complain about. I love the battle system. I love the leveling system. I love the way you earn new abilities. The characters

Most likely he was using multiple accounts to take over and control gyms, battle raids without the need for other people, and trading the best pokemon to his main account. There might be some money in selling accounts, but probably not that easy to do.

Never played with *8* phones, but I have played during my commute when I had one. I looked for all the pokestops and spawn points on the drive that I could safely stop my car at, then I would make that a part of my drive. I never tried to do any stops or catches when the car was in motion. But if there was a parking

Amaxing game. Just don’t ever play the Gabeboy Color version. It drops the enemy weakness feature. Basically every sword does the same damage and it ruins the fun of experimenting with the swords.

The official Genesis Mini website has the US titles:
Castle of Illusion
Sonic 2
Earthworm Jim
Shinobi 3

There is no Musha in the US lineup so far.

Your Walmarts and Targets don’t have grocery sections?

No one seems to be talking about the callback to the original Smash Bros. game in the trailer. So Happy Together by the Turtles plays at the end. That is the same song used in one of the best Nintendo commercials of all time, for Smash Bros on the N64.

When I start dozing off like that, I just go to bed. No point in putting off the inevitable.

I assume they load up just like the PS1 classics on the PSN store. Those are straight up ROMs ripped from disc. The Playstation logo is built into the disc.

Or, they could have just kept the PSTV on the market and actually sold and advertised it to that effect.

Ok. Is it just 1 memory card per game or does the system assign two? Not that you are likely to have that many saves, it would be nice to know.

Also, does the system play the classic Sony logo and sound when it boots?

Absolutely agree here. Especially 1. I have all three games, but 1 gives me the most trouble when I want to play it. 2 is still playable on my PC and 3 is pretty great too. But I really want a fully updated version of 1.

Yep. This system had so much potential and they wasted it all. I would totally import the Japanese one, if I spoke or read the language. Sadly, I will resign myself to buying the games I wanted on the PSN store.

Glad to see that a real story mode is back in the game. That is what I loved about the original. So I will likely buy this one as soon as I can, despite its super annoying need to bombard us with paid DLC.