
Torch. The scariest part about this world. . . Is that is exists without manual transmissions.

Wonder what color she is? Typically blacks get charged more readily than whites for the same crime.

I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.

Never again. The moral highground is a cold and lonely place. I was smart enough to have secured alternative employment before whistleblowing on my then employer, but I still only got six months at new employer (I was considered both damaged goods, disloyal, and a security risk despite them technically being a

The Insight was out before the Prius.

Can we stop losing writers to other firms? I miss being able to read everything that I liked all in one place here at Jalopnik.

I miss Steve’s articles, bring him back for more harrowing tales of “Lehto the Warrior Lawyer”

Speed is fun but really, you can’t do it on the street. Not for long, before the flashy blue lights pop up and rain on your parade.

Even more proof that millennials are soft. Their moms drive stick, and they don’t even know what one is.

Great post, Karen! Don’t forget, you’re also cooler than your son.

Oh god, even before Mapquest, trying to navigate anywhere outside of your comfort zone was such a pain. I remember being a kid and having to read the map for my dad while he drove, which invariably ended up at some point with him holding the map over the steering wheel and glancing back and forth between it and the

I wonder how literally anything got done before the internet.

Having more methods of research is a good thing, but I like big on-site inventories too.

How is this remotely anything like China??? Oh Islands and man made! Yugo took a page from Ferrari by building cars!

Thanks man...I’m working on it.

Yup and same mods to the STI bump it to much higher numbers. Not sure what your point is exactly. STI advantages go beyond power.

That car was never competing with the GTI.

I once tried to parse the true differences between the 3 engine choices for the Darts. Tigershark, Multiair...I then thought to myself, what am I wasting my life doing this for

Dodge will sell you a factory Engine Block Heater for your new Hellcat, in case you know, Hell freezes over

I generally try to keep swearing down in my comments, but I just came here to make a statement.