
Also, if they overbooked, they should bump the latest people they did book, not the person/people who booked months in advance.

The fact it allows it at all is asinine, especially for the reason of overbooking and then not getting customer approval. Even for domestic cities with multiple airports, it can add significant logistics issues and costs.

Lol isn’t this the free market republicans have been clamoring for?

You know 9 people on a private plane for $3,000 doesn’t sound like a bad deal.

It’s deeply insane that the reservation system would allow a “nearest alternative airport” that can’t be easily reached by alternative means of transportation, much less is located in another country.

I’m starting to think these airline companies might not have the best interests of the customers in mind. At least they’ve never beat up a passenger then thrown them off the plane right............right?

That is pretty crap, even by airline standards...which typically don’t even have standards.

Capitol goons just mad because they can’t figure out whose hand was up Trump’s ass for four years.

He has a pretty good agent.

It’s good to see Triumph is still getting work. 

Yeah, this seems like a really dumb cryto-bro “prank.” Stolen goods don’t give you ownership rights to IP.

I truly don’t understand what he means by that statement. On top of that, what’s wild to me is he literally has a monkey IP he’s developed for decades: Stoopid Monkey... his fucking production company mascot.

No bored ape is worth $200,o00 - this is just a pyramid scheme, right?

Is this all some sort of bizarre performance art or is everyone involved really this fucking dumb?

Remember when it was cooler that pop stars weren’t so available and accessible to who-the-fuck-ever? Jimmy Page barely gave interviews and certainly didn’t take pictures with every jerk-off pounding on his door. And he was excellent.

But he was great in this -- it helps that he was playing a character clearly meant to be a parody of Shatner so Allen could use his natural pomposity to good effect.

I just recently watched this for the first time and it’s as good as the hype!

Colantoni gives probably the best performance of the film, which is pretty amazing given how this features some of the best acting Tim Allen’s ever done (not saying too much), as well as amazing performances from Tony Shalhoub, Sigourney Weaver, Sam Rockwell, Rickman, etc.

Is the implication here that they believe their derivative asset (NFTs) will become more valuable than the underlying asset, allowing them to just buy out the real asset?

They do. Trust me they do. They get laughed at every single time. -Signed, someone who has to field NFT partnership requests for the OTHER super popular card game/franchise.