
That the second case is not rape. That's the point. It's a big point. "Broken heart" promises — promises to marry or get engaged — are never legally enforceable as fraud or otherwise. It's certainly not rape.

Now, if you pretend to be a doctor and tell a woman she needs your D as treatment, then we're back to

Yeah, sorry to qualify what I said: Fraud is a criminal offense and a civil offense. What I meant was, you can claim damages for fraud (it is a tortious claim), and you cannot equate fraud with rape

I think she's arguing that "false promise rape" doesn't really fit into the category of rape since the woman consented to the sex act. It's despicable and evil, but perhaps it's a matter of degree. Lying to someone so that they have sex with you is not the same as forcing someone to have sex with you without their

I agree, which is why I never ask them to justify why they do not say it. Most do not say it. I only ask them to write an explanation when they don't stand. The school rule is that they stand. Honestly, I do not understand how that's even a rule either. However, I've been asked to enforce that rule. So to


It has everything to do with rights. No one should be forced to endorse a political agenda that they disagree with.

"They soldiers are out there, they're doing their job."

Remember, you have the absolute right to free speech. Unless you're disagreeing with the right wing. Then you're just a bully and a troublemaker.

I also kind of feel like kids pick on each other for lots of reasons that aren't necessarily pathological. Punishing kids for 'being kids' will probably make it worse. Teaching kids to be nice by default and respect others is the way to go. Starting VERY early.

But it isn't always that simple. A child who is a victim at one point may turn into a bully at another, and many children will exhibit bullying behavior as a way to keep from being victims themselves of a popular, powerful classmate who starts the bullying. Also, at some point children are learning how to behave and

Oh look at you, being all logical on the internet.

How about mandatory counseling sessions instead?

Are there? I'm not criticizing you, just to the best of my knowledge any anti harassment laws out there are civil, not criminal. I've never heard of someone getting probation or jail time for workplace harassment, no matter how severe and abusive.

The data all across the US is unambiguous: punitive systems lead to increases in inappropriate behavior and suspensions. Positive behavioral supports (with a system of consequences) work. Why educators in places like Carson City insist on acting like it is the 19th century or no data exists escapes me. It's this

Thank you for adding this background info.

Important to note: This was a vote of the Carson City Council. I read it as a big ol' "screw you" to The Los Angeles Unified School Distrcit, which oversees Carson's schools.

Oh Americans and their crackpot laws.

You're right. We should just give up and arrest five year olds. Makes total sense.

So our parents didn't give a shit about bullying - they basically were just like THAT'LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YA and let it continue.

Criminalizing school children. Get that school to prison pipeline primed with some younger blood.